Author Topic: Conspiracy theory  (Read 2272 times)


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Conspiracy theory
« on: July 19, 2015, 08:55:26 PM »
So I have this friend who says the world bank is working toward the destabilization of world economies. The plan is supposed to be to create so much violence and turmoil that a new world order can be established. The powers working behind the scean hope to emerge in control of all the global markets and resources. Ultimately, populations will be controlled lock, stock and barrel. The powers in charge will control the food and fuel ........kind of dismal that really the future? I hope not. Anyone else have such a bleak outlook? Conspiracy theorists ?

Adam White

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Re: Conspiracy theory
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 01:37:56 AM »
So I have this friend who says the world bank is working toward the destabilization of world economies. The plan is supposed to be to create so much violence and turmoil that a new world order can be established. The powers working behind the scean hope to emerge in control of all the global markets and resources. Ultimately, populations will be controlled lock, stock and barrel. The powers in charge will control the food and fuel ........kind of dismal that really the future? I hope not. Anyone else have such a bleak outlook? Conspiracy theorists ?

In order for something to be called a theory, it has the be backed by evidence. This is just paranoid conjecture.
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Re: Conspiracy theory
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 09:53:52 AM »
Ha ha!  My pot-head roommates in college would always come up with theories like this, also dealing with the evil world bank.  This is good, however, if it was "the plan," seems like it would take a long, long time to unfold to the point where any evil mastermind(s) could control anything given there is currently enough stability in the world to prevent complete chaos for probably decades at least if this plan started now or even has already started.  The problem with that is the evildoers would all be dead by the time it all unraveled, so what's the point?  Sounds like your hippie conspiracy theory-loving friend is smoking some pretty good stuff.   
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Re: Conspiracy theory
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2015, 10:31:23 AM »
I herd it wuz teh reptoidz
Do you believe that when the blue jay or another bird sings and the body is trembling, that is a signal that people are coming or something important is about to happen?


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Re: Conspiracy theory
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 11:26:00 AM »
Account information of 37 million Ashley Madison subscribers has been hacked.
Now we shall find out which of you been naughty


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Re: Conspiracy theory
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2015, 05:00:02 PM »
HA HA HA ....Good response! I feel like most of you guys. I don't think he is smoking anything that could lead to such ideas. Too bad, that might explain a few things. This is the sort of stuff movie thrillers are made from. I do think the timing is interesting. All the talk from Ron Paul about the impending economic doom. I heard some other people talking about it and it sounded really scary. Then I realized thar he is just trying to drum up anxiety so he can sell his book. I bet there are a bunch of people who will send $$ to him. I guess he is shoreing up his own economy. Maybe we will see him on late night TV  right between the magic hose and male enhancement ads. Oooops! No pun intended ;)