^^^I wonder what % white the glorified parts of Avondale, Ortega, San Marco, and Riverside are. Maybe even higher!
Most interesting to me would be what % of Nocatee is not even from the state of FL, and what % of the urban core of Jacksonville was born and raised in Jacksonville. I think "diversity" goes well beyond just plain old skin color or ethnicity (in fact there are ethnic European whites that bring a whole lotta non-Anglo diversity to America).
But yes, at the end of the day, SJC as a whole is one of the whitest counties in America. It shouldn't serve as a representation of suburban communities everywhere. I think that may actually reflect more on NE FL as a whole, because the suburbs are where immigrants and "diversity" really is headed if not already located in most of America, these days. And in my own experience, the intown neighborhoods of Jax are hardly diverse. Maybe NE FL just isn't attracting the Latin/Asian population that other FL/growing Sunbelt cities are, and so it's basically a bunch of white people that move to the area and perpetuate white suburbia, which makes it appear as if there is still actually "white flight" going on.