This is the downtown I vividly remember growing up.
My dad and I would regularly go to the downtown library after school (across from Burrito Gallery that is now being converted into a non-profit center by the Jesse Ball duPont Fund). The trip always included a trip to the Wendy's Super Bar (Super Bar was the buffet Wendys had with pasta, tacos, burritos and salads), pictured on the bottom left here. Dad knew the guy that ran the Army/Navy Surplus Store (the old Rhodes Furniture building pictured), and I remember sneaking up into the upper floors (many of which were rotted and had gaping holes in them) to test my luck at not falling to my death... which somehow seemed fun at the time.

Would be nice to find some pictures of the downstairs of the Landing during this time as well. Saturdays consisted of dad yucking it up at Hooters, live music in the courtyard (I remember seeing Charlie Daniels play quite a bit), getting a cup of banana froyo from Everything Yogurt, watching fudge being made at the Fudgery, either grabbing tacos at Tacos Amigos or getting a mozeralla Lubi from Lubis, playing with expensive gadgets from Sharper Image, buying cassette tapes from Musicland with money earned mowing yards and staring at the live swimsuit models in the window at Aqua East Surf Shop.
Power 95 used to do a lot of free concerts at Metro Park and there seemed to have always been events going on at the Southbank Riverwalk.
The riverfront always seemed to be active between the Landing and the places on the other side of the river (Crawdaddys, Harbormasters and there used to be a lot of retail shops along the riverwalk where the Wyndham is today)... but the core always seemed completely dead.