How sad! What corruption, bad planning and short sidedness allowed this to happen? How can the city take an important resource like Wilder Park and destroy it? this should never have been allowed and never should in the future. Public lands are often the heart of any community and certainly should belong to the community, never subject to the vagaries of the latest elected officials. the African-American Community has really gotten the short end of the stick with Jacksonvilles urban policies and planning. I truly hope positive change and renewal comes to the city for decent attractive neighborhoods and homes. Instead of tearing down homes the city should be offering grants and resources to restore them and have them lived in again. empty lots do nothing to restore neighborhoods- they are a blight. The housing situation for low income people in Jacksonville is dire. Sub standard housing in the city is increasing the pockets of the "rentiers" without a return to those living there or the community. It is 10,000 to demolish a house, imagine what that money could be used for.