I think we did get a lot of new projects, business and developments as a a result of us hosting the Super Bowl; remember right after the Super Bowl there were a lot of proposed skyscrapers and other downtown developments in the planning and/or on the drawing boards? However, the economic crash and real estate bust which began in '07 and actually happened in '08 took the air out of Jacksonville's sails...and just like all other cities in America, these projects were either cancelled or put on hold indefinitely. Hopefully, we'll get some of that business and economic interest in our city back being that the economy has turned around. I live in Sarasota-Bradenton; and several projects/developments were either put on hold or cancelled back in 07/08; but walla, there are now four or five cranes back up in the Sarasota skyline (Bradenton is a red headed step child and nothing much is going on there). So hopefully a few of those talls and couple of super talls will get back in the proposed status if there is a demand and vacancy crunch for office space.
I think you contradicted yourself a bit. You can't on the one hand say that the SB spurred on a robust development pipeline in Jax and then allude to a similar robust pipeline across America, in all cases being put on hold due to economic forces. But you're right, in 2005-2008 most cities were seeing many proposals and a decent amount of construction. I don't believe for one second that in Jacksonville's case it was a Superbowl thang.
Jax never had any supertall proposals. Jax would look weird with a supertall even if it were economically feasible...
IF being the key word 
I said SIMMS, "I think," which means, "in my opinion." That does not mean it is gospel or makes it gospel. I can think all day but that doesn't make it right...so, I didn't contradict anything......"I THINK." They weren't super talls, but there was a proposal for a 700 footer near Everbank stadium a few years later (about 2 to 4 years), and another 600 plus footer near the Aetna building, and another tall was proposed next to the humana building where the parking garage is now being constructed (wish that tall was built instead of a parking garage). Yes, 2 to 4 years later these were put on the planning and proposition board, and yes, the economic bust/crash squashed them all...they never got built only proposed. Were they a result of the exposure Jax received from the super bowl? Could have been; we'll never know for sure, but I would like to think so and I really "THINK" so.