The JSO is probably the best thing going on downtown. They have a loyal buy small following. If you have not been then I cannot strongly enough recommend that you check out their Website (
and get some tickets. They also make a great gift. If you have children in school or are a student yourself
(college, university, or high school) they offer a flat out steal of a deal program called Sound Check Card.
From the website:
For students up to age 25, the Sound Check Card is the student pass to the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. The Sound Check Card offers student access to every Masterworks and Coffee series concert for an entire season. One card. One price. $25.
Students above age 25 can still purchase Rush Tickets (see below).
Sound Check Card is available for purchase through JSYM Patron Services (904.354.5547)."
Students with a Sound Check Card CAN BRING THEIR PARENTS FOR AN ADDITIONAL $10, based on ticket availability.
Jacoby Symphony Hall is a World Class performing arts space and you are missing something unique and special if you have not been.