Rumor is that if Brown is re-elected Joost will replace Chris Hand as Chief of Staff. Most downtown are viewing this editorial as him just carrying the message for the Mayor.
I really don't see that happening, at all.
Pretty big "if" too.
The gas tax was poorly conceived when it was made (or well-conceived by the auto lobby). A set dollar amount per gallon on a commodity that fluctuates so wildly. Today, it is comically small to the point that it doesn't have the slightest effect on demand. It could be indexed to inflation (starting at a higher % than it is at now) without causing significant hardship while encouraging a positive change in driving habits, and it should.
Or let's just toll all roads and let people see how cheap their roads really are compared to those silly, expensive mass transit projects.
Whatever it is, it should be a use fee. A gas tax is just the easiest and cheapest to implement. Tolling could easily work without adding toll booths and changing the flow of traffic, but it would cost much more to implement and maintain. The gas tax isn't perfect, but it is certainly an efficient vehicle for taxing use. It's main drawback is that it doesn't differentiate enough between uses (a filled dump truck causes more wear in a day than most of our cars do in a year). The other drawback, that it overtaxes gas-guzzlers, well that's not really a drawback is it?
But it's nice to see Joost trying to kill a tax without offering any alternative whatsoever to fill the gap. Gotta kill those taxes, because taxes are bad. Services? Infrastructure? Eh, we'll worry about that after we get re-elected.