There has always been a COLA, it just became a fixed 3% in the last agreement. I don't think that you will find much support for a COLA that is less than the cost of living from the pension members.
Also, for the authors, if you compare PFPP to a military retirement, then you should include social security. Military gets it, Police & Fire don't. If you go to a 401k plan, then (I believe) the city would be required to participate in SS, so you should add the 6.2% to both the city and the members contributions. You also left out that military retirees recieve lifetime medical insurance. PFPP members recieve no medical insurance benefits upon retirement. You would also have to add insurance against career ending injury, which the pension currently covers. Either way, Jacksonville continues to offer the least in retirement of every Sheriff's Office in the state. A more honest pay comparison would be with City of Tampa, Hillsbourough County, City of Orlando, Orange County, and Miami-Dade. And as the pay continues to drop relative to other agencies, currently the lowest of any major S.O. in the state, with the lowest pension benefit of any major S.O. in the state, along with the highest educational as experienced Officers continue to leave and recruiting continues to fall short.