If you're going to nitpick something, pick the copy editing. I'm pretty sure this place will be called "Levels", not "Level's". Those type of errors turn up in many articles, but should be fixable without driving down the ad revenue.
Call it growing pains. You can blame this one on me. Typos from a non-English major putting something together at 1230a, after a hard day's work and on little sleep, are bound to happen. We've addressed the copy editing issue by bringing in UNF English majors as interns over the last month.
The next challenge is having enough completed in time for them to actually get the chance to edit. Historically, we've had late nights where we put stuff together at the last minute to make sure there's something new for you to read on a daily basis.
In any event, we're already addressing this. Give us a week or two and we should have enough in que to allow copy editing for all front page articles moving forward.