^^^I'd find a partner if you aren't experienced or if you don't really have the capacity to devote 100% of your time developing it. You can contribute the land as equity and receive a solid/safe return. Likely you'll be a minority partner, but you won't be the GP, which means you can sit back and simply make certain important calls based on what kind of agreement you negotiate for yourself.
If demand is that serious for your land, I'd put out an RFP with contacts you've made. That way you can immediately see more serious proposals that people have in mind for your land, what their timeframe would be, their prior experience, who they'll be using for architect/financing (you can see past relationships), etc. You can also discuss your financial requirements up front. So right off the bat you start to align your own interests for your own site (via selection), but you don't have to do the heavy lifting.
You can always consult your fellow posters here on MJ about anything you do/hear