"I love the time you guys take to research and inform your readers on current city issues.. But the question I ask is does all this make a difference when in comes down to brass tax?"
To Nativeson: Yes this site makes a tremendous difference, because it is a repository for information, ideas, and best practices. It is our responsibility as citizens to use this site to inform our leaders. If we see information at metrojax that a public official should use to make an informed decision, then send it to them (over and over again). The more emails, phone calls, letters sent - the more pressure (influence) we the citizens extert. We should never assume our leaders are smarter or more informed than we are. Let me say that again...We should never assume our leaders are smarter or more informed than we are. This entire site is an advocates tool box; it's up to us to use it. We won't win them all, but...