Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2013-377
Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor:
Date of Introduction: June 11, 2013
Committee(s) of Reference: PHS; F; RCD
Date of Analysis: June 14, 2013
Type of Action: Appropriation
Bill Summary: The ordinance appropriates, pursuant to Ordinance 2007-286-E, $539,244.81 ($377,243.19 from Nuisance Abatement Liens, $63,940.39 from Interest Sanitary Assessment, $23,528.86 from Demolition Assessment, and $74,532.37 from Code Violation Fines) to the Nuisance Abatement Lien special Revenue Fund to provide funding for nuisance abatement contracting to remove property code violations city-wide in compliance with Chapter 518, Ordinance Code, as initiated by B.T. 13-071; provides for carryover of funds to Fiscal Year 2013-2014.
Background Information: The City of Jacksonville encourages property owners to correct outstanding code violations. Some owners fail to ensure compliance, often due to neglect. Common privately-owned property safety and maintenance code violations include nuisance overgrowth, accumulation of garbage, trash, rubbish and/or debris; failure to maintain residential and commercial minimum building standards; unsafe structures which require condemnation, and abandoned/junk vehicles. The purpose of the appropriation in this ordinance is to provide funding for nuisance abatement contracting to remove property code violations city-wide. The Nuisance Abatement Lien Special Revenue Fund, which previously supplemented general revenue funding for nuisance abatement contractual services, now serves as the primary funding source to support contractual services.
Policy Impact: Neighborhood Department/Municipal Code Compliance Division
Fiscal Impact: The ordinance appropriates $539,244.81.
Analyst: Jackson