Just an update. We did finally get a permit (took 3 months) and along the way learned a lot. It is a risk the city and MCC takes when they become obstructionist, we have to go learn the codes perhaps better than they do. Structural repairs are underway and the first inspections passed. On to windows right now. Financial concerns will keep it moving a bit slow perhaps, but it is getting done.
This week we did something else new. We got a mothballing Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to mothball the two second floor apartments. This is a first for a mixed use structure and it was not met with positive energy on the part of Municipal Code Compliance. The rep walked up and stated NO Comment on the mothballing but did make a point of stating that they knew our goal is to get the first floor out of condemnation and in use again while the second floor remained Mothballed, and then stated that MCC would never allow that to happen. Nice. But what do we expect from a department that refuses to follow federal guidelines and puts millions of federal money at risk? They obviously consider themselves above all of us so what is right and what the actual ordinances and building codes say means nothing to them.
I was also handed a package of paperwork that was not included in the required report. It was copies of the various building permits and e-mails about the mothballing. It also came out that the department heads were involved and asking questions about this little COA. This is a bigger deal than what it would seem to be. It is helping to set a precedent that commercial spaces can be mothballed and it is another jab at the power MCC has over the historic structures.
As a side note, three MCC employees were there for an hour plus on the tax payer dime. One spoke for 1 minute tops and after the vote, all three left. Great use of their time, Kim Scott. What did you tell them to put on their time cards, 1 hour at attempted intimidation? It didn't work by the way, the mothballing is legal and is approved. Wait until you see what we do next.