Wow. Really good questions. And I will continue to share and elaborate on this Forum as I get further into my understanding of the process of building this new entity, virtually from scratch. I will admit, at this moment I'm behind the power curve.
Consolidated government, and particularly so in this town, is tough to "get your arms around"until you are literally into the thick of day to day governance. In college, I researched and wrote a thesis (1970) on Jacksonville's Consolidated Government. Coincidentally, I ended up here in 1977. There was a bit of a gap between the concept of Consolidated Government and the reality. If you really want to understand it for office. Great learning experience. Better than Grad-school.
I have a little bit of a head start, given my previous roles in local government, but the DIA is already underway with several important initiatives that will result in City Council delegating much of their authority over Downtown redevelopment to the DIA itself. I see DIA as a moderator, even mediator, in the tricky business of building consensus, but remember, the DIA is going to wind up with project implementation and fiscal responsibilities too. Effective two-way communication and cooperation with Council, Office of the Mayor, Planning, OED, DVI, and all the other urban stakeholders is a mandate or the whole org-chart collapses. I think I'm pretty good at that stuff.
The Council and DIA have already established their qualifications guidelines for a CEO. I hope that I will be involved in the CEO search and interviews. Having seen and heard a thousand or more slick presentations on projects, and programs, and initiatives by out of town prospects, I will be looking for substance in this CEO. A resume of brick and mortar proof of the visioning and management capacities we are about to put out as an advert in the marketplace.
You will hear more from me as it all develops. Assuming of course, that I get confirmed. As Yogi used to say, "it ain't over 'til it's over".