^Did you not read what I posted? I acknowledged the Pastime. But the use of "The Jug" as the name comes from a different bar. Van Zant used the name of the Jug because it rhymed. The Pastime was never called the Jug. The Jug was a different bar in a different place.
Ahh, did you not read what was posted? Regardless of what you have posted, the fact is the Pastime was also called the Jug at some point in time - look at the picture posted above. The letters The Jug are not in the best of shape, but are there and obviously have been there for quite some time.
Ii appears from the various things posted that Van Zant did change the name of the bar in the song and that is why the Pastime is now also called the Jug as the incident did indeed happen in the Pastime (once called West Tavern?).
Fuck off.
I suppose any conversation can become contentious.
Well Sheclown, my comment above notwithstanding, I certainly didn't wish to get involved in a contentious discussion with you. You asked for a bit of trivia, and that was what I thought I was offering.
My point was simply that although the location of the incident described in the song was documented in this thread, the
name of the bar (and only the name) was taken from another Jax (and North Riverside) location. That was not discussed before and I thought it was a new nugget that was worth mentioning. I realise now that my response to your reply might've seemed a bit short, but that is more an issue of the internet and how things can come across - it certainly wasn't my intent.
I had, however, read all that stuff the first time it was posted in this thread and was aware of it from living in Jax and Riverside.
The URLs I posted are from a (supposedly) official Lynyrd Skynyrd site and show pics of the old Little Brown Jug on Edison. Apparently it's no longer there. I suppose the owners of the Pastime added "The Jug" to their bar to reinforce the connection between their bar and the bar depicted in the song.
As far as that other poster, I have no idea what his issue is, but whatever.