Thanks everyone for your. enthusiasm and support!
Yes the converstion with Gloria was very productive.
Pluses for this location:
1. Close to I95
2. Parking seems adequate and will know more when Gloria reports back.
3. Lots of space for expansion including use of auditorium, a Southern music themed restaurant, stores, etc. Also one of my board members who also grew up in J'VILLE suggested a Florida Music Hall of Fame which we explored with Stephen and Terri Lorrence years ago. This could be another section of the buiding.
4. A historic building qualifying for tax credits.
1. My partner Ron started his own investigation and found that mold is a major problem in that building.
2. Sits in flood plane which could cause problems.
If these can be overcome then we could begin to work on Phase One which would only need to be 10,000 sq ft tops and plan to open for 2013 tourist season.