My guess is they'll not consolidate all bus routes along these BRT corridors, so there will still be some duplicate routing, which can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.
Therein lies the problem. I went to some of the workshops, and as I understood it, the L8 will morph in to the new BRT from Rosa Park (at the time, but I think now that's being moved to the fiasco at the PO) to the Wal-Mart at 295/Lem Turner. That route will run on 10-12 minute headways with stops (I'm not going back to look) at Shands, Gateway, Edgewood, Soutel, Dunn and terminating at Wal-Mart - that leaves a lot of space between designated BRT stops that will need to be filled. The L7 will have to alter it's route to cover Lem Turner from Soutel to 295 which will increase an already long 30 minute headway to closer to 50.
This proposal doesn't make sense on this corridor. Period. IMO, it would seem that it could replace the WS-2, cutting down those headways from 50 minutes to under 25, using the limited, designated stops with regular routes that already go through the area to feed into it.
Outbound - Kent Campus, Blanding/San Juan, Blanding/103rd, Blanding/Collins, OP Mall
There is tremendous potential for that route (DT to OP) between the X4 (runs 4 busses daily, 2 morning, 2 afternoon - doesn't reach any main hub SMH) and the WS-2, but in order to capture more riders, they have to run more frequently than 50 minutes.