Once again, looking to the past to rejuvenate ideas and models that are not going to work in the modern age with malls and town centers are a waste of time.
Increasing foot traffic might bring more retail, but in order for that retail to in turn increase foot traffic it needs to be something customers cannot get elsewhere and more conveniently. Pouring tax dollars into this model is also wasteful, and should be better spent on encouraging development and removing obstacles to allowing locals to create this environment.
The exception, as some point out, is parking. This needs to be addressed and planned significantly better than it has been. I am not sure what keeps some of these places closed at night, but it doesnt make sense.
Trying to to score some branded retailers is bogus. What we need to do is remove restrictions and hurdles that keep local people wanting to do business in downtown out of business. There are plenty of other department store locales. We need to create a Jacksonville identity, that people want to experience and go downtown for, then the big guys will follow the crowd.
I hope the new mayor is serious about these efforts and not just creating a new resource drain and more committees. We need: Better Public transportation. Perhaps more street vendor licensing. Tear down condemned buildings, offer incentives for restoration or occupancy. Offer the same kind of assistance that RAP does to homeowners for businesses in the areas, perhaps partner with building owners to provide assistance directly to renters. A better homeless solution. Sanitation has improved but some places still need work.