Author Topic: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal  (Read 26754 times)


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2011, 12:19:01 PM »
JEDC passed the Everbank deal. Now on to City Council.

The city wants this and its a good deal. No worries here. Time for the Teabaggers to get a life.
Jaguars 2.0


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2011, 12:44:49 PM »
the problems are the suburban sprawl has already happened.

We need serious leaps and bounds in public transportation before any kind of development plan wont result in more highways, traffic, etc


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2011, 01:10:09 PM »
What is up with the Tea Party and their seeming antipathy toward downtown?

They want to keep losing elections apparently.


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2011, 01:12:34 PM »
Dare, often wrong but never in doubt. There is about 1mm sf available downtown.


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2011, 01:20:01 PM »
What is up with the Tea Party and their seeming antipathy toward downtown?

Because most of the FCTP are bitter land developers, construction contractors, and the types of people that were making boatloads of money off of sprawl. Now that there's an anti-sprawl view towards the city forming, these people are gettin' a-rip-rawrin'-hoppin' angry that they may not get a cut of the pie. The dossiers of the board members should tell you what you need to read.

Hank Madden    Investment "adviser", most likely making money from the rest of these schmoes.
Billie Tucker    Gettin' herself a sweet, sweet piece of that JEA meat.
Murray Goff    Real Estate Broker
Lynne Holicky    Ex Merrill Lynch credit industry (mortgage, maybe?).. no clue what she's doing now
Michael Jackson    Generic name.
Morgan King    Salesman for a McHouse building firm.
LeAnne King    "Treasurer".... mmhmmm
Carole McManus    Part of the Ponte Vedra Snake Oil crew
Kassie O’Brien    Nooo clue.. most likely related to the above.
Gayla Reed            Building materials (ceramic tile) sales
Andy Sanfilippo    Aerospace industry (which is odd, because he stands to benefit from a more "liberal" agenda.)
Randy Tucker    Construction industry, also sells crazy for a living.
Patsy Underwood Office products? Wtf?

All of this was done with a 5 minute google search.
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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2011, 01:22:39 PM »
Where was the outrage from tea partiers when the city gave 4 million dollars to Citibank to move from Baymeadows to Old St Augustine Road?


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2011, 01:31:46 PM »
What is up with the Tea Party and their seeming antipathy toward downtown?

Because most of the FCTP are bitter land developers, construction contractors, and the types of people that were making boatloads of money off of sprawl. Now that there's an anti-sprawl view towards the city forming, these people are gettin' a-rip-rawrin'-hoppin' angry that they may not get a cut of the pie. The dossiers of the board members should tell you what you need to read.

Hank Madden    Investment "adviser", most likely making money from the rest of these schmoes.
Billie Tucker    Gettin' herself a sweet, sweet piece of that JEA meat.
Murray Goff    Real Estate Broker
Lynne Holicky    Ex Merrill Lynch credit industry (mortgage, maybe?).. no clue what she's doing now
Michael Jackson    Generic name.
Morgan King    Salesman for a McHouse building firm.
LeAnne King    "Treasurer".... mmhmmm
Carole McManus    Part of the Ponte Vedra Snake Oil crew
Kassie O’Brien    Nooo clue.. most likely related to the above.
Gayla Reed            Building materials (ceramic tile) sales
Andy Sanfilippo    Aerospace industry (which is odd, because he stands to benefit from a more "liberal" agenda.)
Randy Tucker    Construction industry, also sells crazy for a living.
Patsy Underwood Office products? Wtf?

All of this was done with a 5 minute google search.

RiversideLoki, you are my new hero.  Thanks for the research!
John Louis Meeks, Jr.


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2011, 01:45:13 PM »
Dare, often wrong but never in doubt. There is about 1mm sf available downtown.



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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2011, 01:51:01 PM »
Where was the outrage from tea partiers when the city gave 4 million dollars to Citibank to move from Baymeadows to Old St Augustine Road?

To be fair, that deal went down in 2003, long before the Tea Party. Additionally, Citibank was also set on leaving the Baymeadows site, and there was worry they'd leave town completely if the St. Augustine Road complex didn't work out.

The point remains, though, that there's no reason to assume EverBank would have stayed in (at least one of) its current Southside buildings when its subleasing agreement ends. Why not offer incentives for a location somewhere we want to develop?

Still, I don't doubt that if the Citibank deal happened today, some of these same people would oppose it.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:01:05 PM by Tacachale »
Do you believe that when the blue jay or another bird sings and the body is trembling, that is a signal that people are coming or something important is about to happen?


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2011, 02:10:52 PM »
If council approves this deal, I'll have more respect for them. This is only a small piece of the puzzle, but if they keep it going in that direction, we'll soon be the city that we should have been all along.

All cities have a dormant peirod. Look at Rome, Rome stood in decline for almost 1,000 years.


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2011, 02:15:30 PM »
If council approves this deal, I'll have more respect for them. This is only a small piece of the puzzle, but if they keep it going in that direction, we'll soon be the city that we should have been all along.

All cities have a dormant peirod. Look at Rome, Rome stood in decline for almost 1,000 years.

I think they will. I mean, why wouldnt they? Its a win for both parties. Hopefully it does not get deferred or something crazy. The city council has been pretty quiet about the deal which leads me to think they are for it.
Jaguars 2.0


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2011, 02:17:50 PM »
So the collective of people acting in their own interests encouraging development of their properties in the suburbs are evil

however, the collective of people acting in their own interests encouraging development of their properties in downtown are heroes

did i get that right Loki?


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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2011, 02:27:05 PM »
So the collective of people acting in their own interests encouraging development of their properties in the suburbs are evil

however, the collective of people acting in their own interests encouraging development of their properties in downtown are heroes

did i get that right Loki?

No, I'm saying gas for my Hummer that I bought while the suburban sprawl movement with Bush era tax breaks by writing it off as a business expense is really friggin' 'spensive. So I'm going to do what I can to bring the mo's to me and make as much money off of my neighbors and the city as possible, screw downtown. America, USA, USA! Why do you hate America, socialist?

What I'm *really* getting at here is that the notion that these First Coast Tea Party types are the "everyday average-Joe worker types" is disingenuous at the very least. The same goes for just about every board of every Tea Party group in the nation. It's a "lambs to the slaughter" kinda deal. People that have no chance of gaining any part of the social piece of the pie that their Tea Party leaders profess should be theirs, all the time being used as a power grab by people whose ship has done sailed in order to gain more cash, all the while screaming "tax cuts" and "liberals are evil".

The hilarious thing is that it's so transparent that it's sad. From the top of the Tea Party phenomenon you see the Koch brothers (some of the wealthiest people in the United States), down to our little local rag tag bunch of "everyman" wealthy investors, construction company owners, and Monavie sales-chickens.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:35:07 PM by RiversideLoki »
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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2011, 02:30:44 PM »


The suburbs were totally created by government policy, Gravity, not the collective of people acting in their own interests.

They are supported by massive tax investments from outside their areas, and drain the public coffers.  The suburbs, as presently conceived are only possible through the worst kind of government policy and inefficient utilization of tax resources.



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Re: Tea Party Advocate Wrong On Everbank Deal
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2011, 02:32:09 PM »

No, I'm saying gas for my Hummer that I bought while the suburban sprawl movement with Bush era tax breaks by writing it off as a business expense is really friggin' 'spensive. So I'm going to do what I can to bring the mo's to me and make as much money off of my neighbors and the city as possible, screw downtown. America, USA, USA! Why do you hate America, socialist?

So all we got for any kind of rational inquisitive observation is a straw man?

If government created the problem, how exactly is more government going to solve it?

*** but the point I am trying to make is that to pretend "the other side" is made up any differently is just mental masturbation. And to edit your post to try and make anyone opposing the somewhat equally whacko liberal side of government planning seem kooky is a but disingenuous as well.

There is a roll for government, but I think we have strayed a long way from where that should be. Your tax dollars go a long way in funding much more ridiculous things than suburbs.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:47:08 PM by Gravity »