What is up with the Tea Party and their seeming antipathy toward downtown?
Because most of the FCTP are bitter land developers, construction contractors, and the types of people that were making boatloads of money off of sprawl. Now that there's an anti-sprawl view towards the city forming, these people are gettin' a-rip-rawrin'-hoppin' angry that they may not get a cut of the pie. The dossiers of the board members should tell you what you need to read.
Hank Madden Investment "adviser", most likely making money from the rest of these schmoes.
Billie Tucker Gettin' herself a sweet, sweet piece of that JEA meat.
Murray Goff Real Estate Broker
Lynne Holicky Ex Merrill Lynch credit industry (mortgage, maybe?).. no clue what she's doing now
Michael Jackson Generic name.
Morgan King Salesman for a McHouse building firm.
LeAnne King "Treasurer".... mmhmmm
Carole McManus Part of the Ponte Vedra Snake Oil crew
Kassie O’Brien Nooo clue.. most likely related to the above.
Gayla Reed Building materials (ceramic tile) sales
Andy Sanfilippo Aerospace industry (which is odd, because he stands to benefit from a more "liberal" agenda.)
Randy Tucker Construction industry, also sells crazy for a living.
Patsy Underwood Office products? Wtf?
All of this was done with a 5 minute google search.