I think its very good, real important that, from my experience, young kids move to our large metropolitan areas as NYC, San Fran, and many of the areas listed in the top ten. In these times in particular, it takes all of a young persons energy to have these experiences. I myself moved to NYC over 20yrs ago, in my mid 20s, i wouldnt trade it for anything. My experiences at CBGBs, my band opening for Fishbone, the beginning of urban art movement. Its an experience im very fotunate to have.
That being said... ive had enough of snow, potholes. I know im gonna get hit hard here but riding the subway with millions of peeps daily, watching as the fares go up, and the service goes down. People living in the subway cars (and when i say living, i mean relieving themselves) ive just had enough of it. Also, as both artists and individuals, let me pass one thing out there. Youre a little fish in a BIG pond. Here the community is much smaller and with todays technology, much flatter.
The best we can do is take action ourselves, individually, one step (day) at a time.
Artwalk is tonight, see you there!