Sad thing is there is no conceivable hope of JAX ever reclaiming its titles on any front. Travel, insurance, banking, tallest building, any of it. It's a matter of time before CSX leadership changes again and says "WTF why are we here?" and moves to someplace more central to their operations. After that, the collapse of the urban environment will be complete. Lived here 11 years and am sadly forced to admit we are turning into one big ghetto version of Fort Myers with mostly strip malls, snake oil, and chinese drywall subdivisions. Make a quick buck, give back as little of it as possible, and then move onto the next thing. To hell with history, sustainability, or the people who actually live here. I can make $47 a week more if I rip that building down to make another parking lot? Let's git er done!
I know it would never happen, but this place needs de-consolidation. Let the former urban core and the original urban neighborhoods be free to protect their own interests, and the south side and intracoastal sprawl can look out for itself. If all the arguments about how sprawl is self-sustaining are true, then it shouldn't be any problem right?