Author Topic: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood  (Read 42768 times)


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2010, 09:43:59 AM »
Congratulations to the City of Jacksonville Planning Department, RAP, and the First Coast Section of APA Florida.  The idea to apply for this award stemmed from a dinner conversation last year during the APA Florida conference.  Many people were involved in shepherding the nomination through the process, including MetroJacksonville's Steve Congro!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 10:18:25 PM by tufsu1 »

north miami

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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2010, 09:57:22 AM »
Totally deserved.  When Jacksonville is a 5 million person metro way in the future and every home in Riverside Avondale is impeccably preserved and streetcars are running and parks are restored to maximum beauty, this will be the most desirable neighborhood in FL and one of the most desirable neighborhoods anywhere.


I Fled a declining late 1970's native North Miami for a perceived better place in Northeast Florida.
The overwhelming emphasis projected to newcomers was of course Clay County.The newly established Clay County family place on Black Creek was perched in a neighborhood and county dangling between a certain past and a future that could only reflect the past.And although I was honored to spearhead many "Growth Management" planning initiatives and key involvement in the creation of Jennings Forest, Five Points,Riverside and Avondale tugged at the heart to the point now long established in Avondale.
My back yard is the southwesterly boundary of RAP.What a journey,trading perceived "pristine" Black Creek for a beat up impaired Fishweir Creek waterway and yet even Fishweir is a sacred catastrophe as we will soon finally learn of bonafide restoration efforts.There is a sense of guilt and thankfulness for all of those striving on behalf of Riverside Avondale years ago in the midst of the collective middle finger by so many. On the whole,what we see (and are sold!) in Avondale Riverside is what we can pretty much happily assume is what we are going to get.Priceless.
A note of caution in that RAP expressed some concern with the the recent "Overlay" final plan-something to the effect that we (RAP) didn't get everything we wanted,which may just be assumed correct outcome in the spirit of consensus if not in fact obligatory posturing.If there are real concerns with the Overlay we must be vigilant- luckily for many tastes and needs Riverside Avondale does not represent regional "Consensus".
Nor can the community be built anew from scratch elsewhere.During Brannon/Chaffee Corridor public 'vision' workshops many agreed to the 'inevitable' growth if could be patterned "just like Riverside Avondale".Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand-with the exception of the original and only Riverside Avondale.

And the neighborhood's close proximity to relatively spontaneous quality outdoor recreation in both the immediate neighborhood and handy to beaches and a vast complex of public lands is another magnificent bonus.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 11:34:40 AM by north miami »


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2010, 10:48:37 AM »
How pleasant it is for Jacksonville to be recognized for something positive! Congratulations to RAP, the First Coast APA, the City of Jacksonville and anyone else who contributed towards this recognition along the way!
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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2010, 11:04:47 AM »
Congrats to Tony and Carmin---- a great job we re happy for you and everyone at RAP.
Also, the residents themselves make this the best neighborhood. Thats why I moved here!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 01:42:20 PM by hillary supporter »


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2010, 02:11:05 PM »
Agreed, best overall residents in Jacksonville.  Springfield competes with some good residents though, too ;)
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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2010, 03:24:34 PM »
Excellent!  Congrats to all involved.


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2010, 06:41:52 PM »
.In my Kathy Lee voice "It's only because of the Gays"


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2010, 07:00:06 PM »
Disclaimer: I'm a pessimist.

To me the list feels like a semi-random grab-bag of places, making the usual allowances for size and geographical diversity these lists like to have. Hard to get too excited about being in a top ten with Sioux Falls, SD and Lafayette, IN. The 10 picks aside, the many, many great neighborhoods in the dozens of major cities alone that didn't make the list render it kind of hollow. But, I hope most can overlook this and see it as good publicity!


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2010, 07:19:44 PM »
Congratulations to Riverside Avondale! One of my favorite areas! I got my eyes on Springfield.

-rubs hands- You are next, Springfield!
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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2010, 07:39:45 PM »
hip hip......


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2010, 08:56:35 PM »
Disclaimer: I'm a pessimist.

To me the list feels like a semi-random grab-bag of places, making the usual allowances for size and geographical diversity these lists like to have. Hard to get too excited about being in a top ten with Sioux Falls, SD and Lafayette, IN. The 10 picks aside, the many, many great neighborhoods in the dozens of major cities alone that didn't make the list render it kind of hollow. But, I hope most can overlook this and see it as good publicity!

well think about 2009, 150 different places applied....and the judges narrowed this list to 10 in each of the 3 categories (great streets, great neighborhoods, and great public spaces).

or, another perspective....prior to this year only 2 places in Florida had been selected (Ocean Drive/Miami in 2007 and 7th Ave/Ybor City/Tampa in 2008)....and this is the first neighborhood in Florida ever selected for the award.


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2010, 09:02:21 PM »
In my 26 years living here in Jax, I can't say I've ever felt a neighborhood that's more comfortable and "just right". Well deserved, Riverside/Avondale is a gem in this hell of sprawl. I love my neighbors and my neighborhood. If I never leave this city, this is the place I want to be. Go us!
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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2010, 09:14:04 PM »
well think about 2009, 150 different places applied....and the judges narrowed this list to 10 in each of the 3 categories (great streets, great neighborhoods, and great public spaces).

or, another perspective....prior to this year only 2 places in Florida had been selected (Ocean Drive/Miami in 2007 and 7th Ave/Ybor City/Tampa in 2008)....and this is the first neighborhood in Florida ever selected for the award.

That helps a little. However, a top 10 list that completely changes every year isn't really a top 10 list, is it? It's more of a '10 new featured', in which case, it's just a matter of time before they get around to all the goods. I don't know. I'm getting won over... starting to feel a little Jax pride. Just feels a bit like making a Forbes list. But better to make a list that most cities eventually do than never at all...

Wow, that sounded almost optimistic of me! :P


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2010, 09:53:51 PM »
I'm glad Riverside/Avondale is getting some national publicity and I'm proud to be one of the newer residents of this great neighborhood.  ;D


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2010, 10:15:21 PM »
well think about 2009, 150 different places applied....and the judges narrowed this list to 10 in each of the 3 categories (great streets, great neighborhoods, and great public spaces).

or, another perspective....prior to this year only 2 places in Florida had been selected (Ocean Drive/Miami in 2007 and 7th Ave/Ybor City/Tampa in 2008)....and this is the first neighborhood in Florida ever selected for the award.

That helps a little. However, a top 10 list that completely changes every year isn't really a top 10 list, is it? It's more of a '10 new featured', in which case, it's just a matter of time before they get around to all the goods. I don't know. I'm getting won over... starting to feel a little Jax pride. Just feels a bit like making a Forbes list. But better to make a list that most cities eventually do than never at all...

Wow, that sounded almost optimistic of me! :P

All I can tell is you is that, from what I understand, the selection process was extremely rigorous. Substantial nominating application required in February, followed by a ton of back and forth, with requests for more information, more pictures, site testimonials, evidence of significant civic engagement, evidence of a real plan (past and present)--the list was apparently endless. Huge props go to the NE Florida chapter of the APA for shepherding this application through, and of course to RAP and the almost 40 years of work by residents and business owners in the district to make this into the great neighborhood it has become.

And hey, I'll share a top 10 designation with Boston's Back Bay any day.