Author Topic: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood  (Read 42760 times)


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #60 on: November 17, 2010, 10:31:59 PM »
As far as trees go, there used to be a beautiful, unique line of mature live oaks all along the entire west side of the Shoppes of Avondale. The city of Jacksonville and Blue Fish Restaurant cut down a total of FIVE of them on the north end just this summer. They were replanted with small drake elm trees and two palms--the same size as you'd find in the parking lot of the Avenues Mall. Sadly, due to indifference and lack of vision, we lost a graceful part of our neighborhood that can never be replaced in our lifetimes.

Unfortunately, those trees were on Blue Fish's property, not the city right of way, and so they could do whatever they wanted. Big bummer.


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #61 on: December 13, 2010, 08:21:14 PM »
Not exactly on-topic, but can anyone give me an idea of the boundaries of Riverside? I know its basically from Five Points to King and from the river to I-10/Roosevelt, but is there a point before those boundaries (particularly going towards the highway) where safety, etc starts to deteriorate or at least becomes more questionable?


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2010, 09:21:37 PM »

Is there a pocket pier (tiny floating dock) along the river in the boundries that are defined as Riverside/Avondale

Again congratulations to everyone for the award. 

Today at the St. Johns River Alliance Board meeting the Discussion of a Paddling trail of the St. Johns River Blueway. Imagine a B&B with a floating dock (pocket pier) that could capture this growing market. 


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2010, 10:56:38 PM »
John, the construction of the public floating dock at the RAM site has begun.  While a portion of the dock is reserved for Water Taxi access, there will also be space for private power boat docking and possible kayak launching.  I think you, North Miami, and myself need to put a bug in Teri Coutu's ear about some kind of kayak event coinciding with the opening of the 2011 RAM season in March... possibly some type of recurring focus on kayaking throughout the 2011 season.  This Saturday is the last day for RAM's 2010 season.  I'll be up there anyway, so if you guys want to meet up and give Mrs Coutu's some good ideas and show the kayaking communities unity on this particular issue... I'm certainly game. 


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2010, 02:18:29 AM »
c'mon whoelse is happy to see the reforestation efforts underway?


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2010, 06:46:59 AM »
Field, Tha RAM floating dock is a benefit. Its just the beginning. As discussed at the Board meeting of the St. Johns River Alliance paddling a kayak to RAM given the currents and multitude of other conditions could be a very sporty paddle. I'd love to do it with you and NM. where would we put in? That was a concern of the potential trail route. Ability of the participant.

This is why with the upcoming city council and mayoral race is so important. If a candidate won't support a pocket pier (floating dock) at a waterfront Public access street end I wouldn't vote for them. Same can be said of the the Shipyards/Landmar pier.

You should have seen the look on the faces of the other county officials and members of the paddling associations when I informed them that Duval county has pending legislation 2010-856 that would ban outfitters from participating in this Blueway Trail in Jacksonville.

Wed. Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting at 9. Will ask for the 4th month in a row for someone to introduce a resolution that would keep the Promised 680' Downtown Public Pier separate. Be concerned


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #66 on: December 15, 2010, 06:38:39 AM »
too little notice for me to drag him to the meeting, though I will be present -
MrBrooks Busey of Sadler Point Marina (and a member of the who recently purchased the remainder of Pier17 is interested in the pier park conversion of the old half-bridge and the space below the 17Ortega bridge, as is MsCynthia Segraves.
No it isn't Avondale but it also doesn't get much more convenient when considering the particpant's ability to launch their paddler/kayak.

I wish more folks would think regionally.

residents from Shadowlawn, Montgomery Pl, Richmond St to Bourbon Alley and Powell Pl may not be all too receptive to House on Cherry st incorporating a launch site - nor the true restoration and reuse of the Willowbranch inlet canal where the FYC once stood. These residents may be somewhat resistant to public access as those folks near seminole park on McGirts in Ortega.

From Tillie K. Fowler westside regional park on17 @ 120th, to the Tillie K. Fowler memorial sculpture at the Y on the northbank riverwalk, Jacksonville residents along the beaten path north through Venetia, Ortega, LakeShore, MurrayHill, Avondale and Riverside, should expect and command the Marina Mile to live up to our needs and expectations.

Why not have a water taxi stop at the half bridge?
why not?

J.L.Trent's of YUKON get's it!
They hosted quite a party at Pier17/Sadler Point Marina.
::wish I had pics to post::
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 07:00:07 AM by ricker »


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2010, 07:34:40 AM »
WOW! WOW! So would this potential new enterprise support 2010-856 Transient vendor ban of 1 mile if a permanent structure is in place and rents kayaks.

This was brought up at the Board meeting of the St. Johns River Alliance and could have an effect on the 310 mile proposed River Blueway. Especially when talking about commerce and transient outfitters with their trailers.


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #68 on: December 15, 2010, 11:28:31 AM »
too little notice for me to drag him to the meeting, though I will be present -
MrBrooks Busey of Sadler Point Marina (and a member of the who recently purchased the remainder of Pier17 is interested in the pier park conversion of the old half-bridge and the space below the 17Ortega bridge, as is MsCynthia Segraves.
No it isn't Avondale but it also doesn't get much more convenient when considering the particpant's ability to launch their paddler/kayak.

I wish more folks would think regionally.

residents from Shadowlawn, Montgomery Pl, Richmond St to Bourbon Alley and Powell Pl may not be all too receptive to House on Cherry st incorporating a launch site - nor the true restoration and reuse of the Willowbranch inlet canal where the FYC once stood. These residents may be somewhat resistant to public access as those folks near seminole park on McGirts in Ortega.

From Tillie K. Fowler westside regional park on17 @ 120th, to the Tillie K. Fowler memorial sculpture at the Y on the northbank riverwalk, Jacksonville residents along the beaten path north through Venetia, Ortega, LakeShore, MurrayHill, Avondale and Riverside, should expect and command the Marina Mile to live up to our needs and expectations.

Why not have a water taxi stop at the half bridge?
why not?

J.L.Trent's of YUKON get's it!
They hosted quite a party at Pier17/Sadler Point Marina.
::wish I had pics to post::

So, are they going to have kayak rentals at Pier 17 and a good launch at the old bridge?

I've put in at Stinson Park and paddled up to Westside Regional/Tillie Fowler and its a really nice route.  I think it could become a great water pathway for kayakers, rivaling some of the tours in the Intracoastal and Amelia Island areas.

Noone, what do you say... trip up to RAM and a trip over to Saddler Point Saturday to talk up some potential game for these two spots???  This could be big!


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #69 on: December 15, 2010, 01:34:18 PM »
So, back on topic. This information would certainly apply to Riverside Avondale.

Walkable neighborhoods have higher levels of trust, community participation
Posted December 15, 2010 in Health and the Environment, Living Sustainably

A study by the Natural Resources and Earth System Science program at the University of New Hampshire finds that residents of neighborhoods with walkable access to shops and services have “higher levels of social capital such as trust among neighbors and participation in community events,” according to lead researcher Shannon Rogers.

The study, “Examining Walkability and Social Capital as Indicators of Quality of Life at the Municipal and Neighborhood Scales,” is published in a recent issue of the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life (abstract and for-pay access to full article here).  Rogers and the study’s coauthors surveyed 700 residents of 20 neighborhoods in two New Hampshire municipalities, Portsmouth and Manchester.

Survey participants self-identified the walkability of their neighborhoods by indicating the number of locations they could walk to in their community; any neighborhood with a mean response of more than seven walkable locations (out of a possible 13) was designated “walkable” by the researchers.  To measure social capital, they utilized a well-established scale developed by the Saguaro Seminar at Harvard University, which is headed by Bowling Alone author and social capital scholar Robert Putnam.

According to the University’s press release, “those living in more walkable neighborhoods trusted their neighbors more; participated in community projects, clubs and volunteering more; and described television as their major form of entertainment less than survey participants living in less walkable neighborhoods.”

The research is consistent with findings from Lewis and Clark University research studying residents’ habits in the smart-growth development Orenco Station in Hillsborough, Oregon.  As noted in a previous post,  Orenco residents consistently reported  more friendliness, more "community," and more group participation than in their previous communities.   Walkable neighborhoods have also been found to foster physical fitness and enjoy higher home values than less walkable districts.

The New Hampshire research was funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Graduate Fellowship Program. In addition, Rogers and Carlson received support from the University of New Hampshire’s Sustainability Fellowships to the Environmental Research Group.


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #70 on: December 16, 2010, 04:44:51 AM »
too little notice for me to drag him to the meeting, though I will be present -
MrBrooks Busey of Sadler Point Marina (and a member of the who recently purchased the remainder of Pier17 is interested in the pier park conversion of the old half-bridge and the space below the 17Ortega bridge, as is MsCynthia Segraves.
No it isn't Avondale but it also doesn't get much more convenient when considering the particpant's ability to launch their paddler/kayak.

I wish more folks would think regionally.

residents from Shadowlawn, Montgomery Pl, Richmond St to Bourbon Alley and Powell Pl may not be all too receptive to House on Cherry st incorporating a launch site - nor the true restoration and reuse of the Willowbranch inlet canal where the FYC once stood. These residents may be somewhat resistant to public access as those folks near seminole park on McGirts in Ortega.

From Tillie K. Fowler westside regional park on17 @ 120th, to the Tillie K. Fowler memorial sculpture at the Y on the northbank riverwalk, Jacksonville residents along the beaten path north through Venetia, Ortega, LakeShore, MurrayHill, Avondale and Riverside, should expect and command the Marina Mile to live up to our needs and expectations.

Why not have a water taxi stop at the half bridge?
why not?

J.L.Trent's of YUKON get's it!
They hosted quite a party at Pier17/Sadler Point Marina.
::wish I had pics to post::

So, are they going to have kayak rentals at Pier 17 and a good launch at the old bridge?

I've put in at Stinson Park and paddled up to Westside Regional/Tillie Fowler and its a really nice route.  I think it could become a great water pathway for kayakers, rivaling some of the tours in the Intracoastal and Amelia Island areas.

Noone, what do you say... trip up to RAM and a trip over to Saddler Point Saturday to talk up some potential game for these two spots???  This could be big!

Field, I'm in!

Stinson Park, is that Riverside/Avondale? I had someone call me and they would like to come too. they said 10 would work for them. I told them that its your party. Haven't even looked at the tides.

I can't wait. Could be a sporty paddle. I'm thinking that I'm having that extra bowl of wheaties. Lets Make it Happen. 904-434-0839


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #71 on: December 16, 2010, 06:13:25 AM »
so... if I bring my waxy ear plugs and promise to keep my waterwings-er- lifevest ON, could I tag along?


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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #72 on: December 16, 2010, 07:37:48 PM »
John, Ill give you a shout tomorrow.

Dashing Dan

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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2011, 11:47:09 AM »
I posted this as a question on another thread but it doesn't have any connection to the toll road issue, so I'm going to post it here as well.

Does anyone have a feel for why planning for Riverside Avondale has been so much more successful than planning for downtown?  I'd really like to hear a range of answers to this question, especially from a long term perspective.
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Re: Riverside Avondale an American Top 10 Neighborhood
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2011, 11:53:07 AM »
RAP is why.  They have the most successful engaged neighborhood advocate. Now they have hit the point that everyone accepts that Riverside is Jacksonville's heritage neighborhood and even the sprawlers think it should be protected.
Lenny Smash