Ugh ... I'm sorry guys ... I'm a huge proponent of the New Urbanism, but I think that video competition hit all the wrong notes for me.
I really couldn't care less about carbon footprint, and neither does the majority of the New Urbanism's target market. Successful NU projects have taken advantage of wealthy suburbanites desire for a lifestyle change, not an environmental crusade. One of the best parts about the NU is that it creates urban places that appeal to middle-class, middle-aged, (maybe even - gasp) Republicans. I hope the CNU never loses sight of that fact.
Apparently the whole point of the video was to focus on environmental issues, so I can't complain too much. But I think it's worth emphasizing that NU is really selling itself short if environmental issues ever become the main thrust of its marketing. It's about the neighborhood, the community, the design, the place, the aesthetics, the comfort ... it's not about carbon.