But then again. I have lived in Pa, NJ, Fl, Colo, Ka, and Calif. I have also spent quite a bit of time in NY, Mass, Conn, Del, Vir, N and S Car, Ill, Ari, Nev, Wyo, Oh, and Georgia. You could also add in the Carribean Islands of Antigua, St Lucia as well as the Bahamas. I dont think not sampling the US is the reason I feel the way I do.
What I find interesting in some cities particularly the NE is that there is quite a bit of racism. Whats interesting though is the up frontness of it all. People seem to let it out and move on. Not here though. Its a deep inbred hatred. One that will take time to weed out. On the postive side is that it will indeed be weeded out. Considering that by the end of this century the majority of the population will be black and white means there is light at the end of a really long tunnell. Sorry to say ! that we live in a very racist city. Hopefully we get to both see it change in our lifetimes.