Let's update....
Trump is dismantling, in 7 days, up to 200 years of precedents, the rule of law, government institutions, nonprofit and for-profit institutions, long held relationships with allies, checks and balances on his power and decision making, our justice system, medical research, social safety nets, educational infrastructure, military recruitment and retention, protections against discrimination, social and political norms, environmental protections, our immigrant labor force, a woman's right to choose, standards for competence and ethical behavior, etc.
He is delivering on the worst fears of much of this country and many of those who voted for him are sure to suffer as well under his presidency. At the rate he is going, I can't imagine there will be many left that will be happy with his administration and legacy. Hopefully, the midterms will reflect that and we at least get a Congress that will serve to exercise its rights to check his power, not the current one that lays down for all of his actions, regardless of how dangerous or out of bounds they may be.
Trump won with a 1.5% margin and less than 50% of the vote. Not a mandate. According to most pundits, he won based on fighting inflation, not because of the diehard MAGA agenda. Yet, he has done little to address inflation and a lot to implement the MAGA agenda including closely implementing the 2025 Plan that he claimed he had nothing to do with and did not endorse.
Trump lives within his own mind that only values loyalty to him and promotes his ego and quest for unquestioned power. Everything he does serves that purpose. How far will he be able to go with this?