Author Topic: Rise Doro construction photos  (Read 26967 times)


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Rise Doro construction photos
« on: December 02, 2023, 12:38:19 AM »
This looks to be one ugly building.  On par with prison designs.  Great views of the parking garage.  I am still not sure who wants to pay up for living in this spot but adding the ugliness of this complex isn't going to help.  Maybe this cheap design will yield cheap rents to get tenants.

This is going to be a real blight on Khan's hopes for the area.  A $2 billion stadium and a Four Season's hotel living side by side with this garbage?

Just another gross example of this City's lack of aesthetic standards and willingness to let any project move forward just for the sake of appeasing developers.  In the long run, they just infect a whole area with low class outcomes and future development will be reduced in the name of today's development.

heights unknown

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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2023, 07:56:21 PM »
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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2023, 12:08:11 PM »
This looks to be one ugly building.  On par with prison designs.  Great views of the parking garage.  I am still not sure who wants to pay up for living in this spot but adding the ugliness of this complex isn't going to help.  Maybe this cheap design will yield cheap rents to get tenants.

This is going to be a real blight on Khan's hopes for the area.  A $2 billion stadium and a Four Season's hotel living side by side with this garbage?

Just another gross example of this City's lack of aesthetic standards and willingness to let any project move forward just for the sake of appeasing developers.  In the long run, they just infect a whole area with low class outcomes and future development will be reduced in the name of today's development.

It's not the prettiest building in the world but I also think the quality of the pictures make it seem worse than what it is. In person, it looks fine and once it's finished it will enhance the street level vibrancy of the area.

Of course, living in a high traffic environment adjacent to concert arenas and sports stadiums won't be appealing to everyone but it is to many prospective residents who want the hustle and bustle that comes with this location. A lot of the interest in living here is coming from young professionals, season ticket holders for the Jags that want to be closer to the stadium, out of towners wanting to live in an urban environment, and empty nesters wanting to downsize and live an active lifestyle. Pretty much the same demographic living in other apartment communities downtown. The rates aren't outrageous for the location and amenities that go along with it and the financials will only get stronger as the rest of the area continues to build up.

In terms of it's effect on Khan's vision, I'm sure having over 200 units with a street level and rooftop restaurant plus discounted rents for Jaguars employees will only further solidify his decision to invest in the area.


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2023, 11:20:06 PM »
It's not the prettiest building in the world but I also think the quality of the pictures make it seem worse than what it is. In person, it looks fine and once it's finished it will enhance the street level vibrancy of the area.

LOL, pictures look pretty clear to me.  The color scheme makes me think of things happening when I am nauseous  ;D and there seems to be little to no variation in color and almost no detailing on the face of the building sides.  Having the garage dominate the courtyard view and an outside view looking down on what amounts to something akin to an alley with Manifest doesn't seem too exciting either.  The scale of the building to that "alley" also is overwhelming from the street level given the narrow distance from one side of the open street to the other.  Just my opinion... sorry if I offended the architects.

Great if they find tenants... but, I won't be a candidate!  And, I would definitely be a NIMBY if this ever came to my part of town.

heights unknown

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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2023, 06:46:46 AM »
It's not the prettiest building in the world but I also think the quality of the pictures make it seem worse than what it is. In person, it looks fine and once it's finished it will enhance the street level vibrancy of the area.

LOL, pictures look pretty clear to me.  The color scheme makes me think of things happening when I am nauseous  ;D and there seems to be little to no variation in color and almost no detailing on the face of the building sides.  Having the garage dominate the courtyard view and an outside view looking down on what amounts to something akin to an alley with Manifest doesn't seem too exciting either.  The scale of the building to that "alley" also is overwhelming from the street level given the narrow distance from one side of the open street to the other.  Just my opinion... sorry if I offended the architects.

Great if they find tenants... but, I won't be a candidate!  And, I would definitely be a NIMBY if this ever came to my part of town.
Hmm. It does kind of remind you of "The Projects" in a way don't it? I've never lived in the Projects but believe me I've seen my share of them and this PROJECT screams PROJECTS.
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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2023, 10:41:48 AM »
There's still a lot to do before this thing is finished.  I think it will look better once completed.  Considering that this is a pioneering project into a part of downtown that could use some 24/7 residents to add to the vibrancy, I think it's fine.  If this were proposed for the Landing parcel, I'd be disappointed.


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2023, 10:50:18 AM »
I was thinking all these similarly designed buildings resemble circuit boards...guess it's our stark new reality.


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2023, 09:38:27 PM »
I've never been accused of having great tastes when it comes to architecture, but driving by Rise Doro each day as it's come out of the ground, I think she's looking great. Still would have preferred the earlier Doro District plans that preserved the original buildings, but every time I see it, it looks a little better with additional finish. Reminds me a bit of Vista Brooklyn. Fancier projects may follow if and when the market improves and the costs can be justified, but for now, I'm pretty happy to have 200+ additional residential units, with ground and rooftop retail, coming out of the ground at a relatively modest cost to taxpayers versus some of the other projects we're seeing. No completion grant for the Doro. No cash from the city. Just a 65% REV grant (vs. 75% for most other projects), capped at around $6.5 million. Would happily take several more like this.


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2023, 09:40:59 PM »
Looks fine to me. Can't imagine they'll have a hard time finding tenants either. Downtown, Southbank, San Marco and SPR are filling up, and this is the only thing like it near the stadium.
Do you believe that when the blue jay or another bird sings and the body is trembling, that is a signal that people are coming or something important is about to happen?


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2023, 10:09:54 PM »
^ Can you tell me what is so "great" or "fine" that appeals to you?  The color scheme, the repetitious window and balcony rows with no detailing, the street presence facing Manifest, the courtyard view of the parking garage...

In fairness, I am relying on the article's pix and haven't seen it in person nor have I had the benefit of seeing any modifications since the pix were taken.  If something new is going on, please share what that is and why it makes it better.

Maybe it is just the nature of apartment construction... build just enough to create the living spaces over and over again, by the hundreds, and don't worry about addressing the inherent boredom of the design that accompanies that.  It's not any different for cookie cutter housing developments.

For a price, anyone can sell something and I don't doubt they will find takers.  I have read that the apartment market is softening so it will be interesting to see how they price it and the response they get.  If there is indeed a shortage vs. demand, they probably will get a good occupancy number.  The real test will be if demand lags supply.

Good design doesn't have to cost more, it can just take a little more thought and creativity.  If you see that here, please point it out since I am currently blind to it.  For me, I just don't see where that effort was made and feel the City could have at least asked for that in return for its incentives, no matter the amount.

I guess it could be worse... take this in China  8):


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2023, 07:34:20 AM »
For some context, the cheapest one bedroom they have listed currently is $1,850 for a 675 SF unit. That’s more than every single San Marco & Brooklyn apartment building. Those San Marco & Brooklyn units also being larger… these units really aren’t a discount in anyway, and the only Jags employees living here at these rates likely aren’t living in apartments. (Maybe the Jags will get a nice discount on their rent.)

For several hundred dollars less, you get more space & a real retail environment. Word is that they are having issues leasing the apartments in particular. Maybe will just take time but I do feel bad for the Doro in that they expected a lot of other things to be happening back when they started planning.

I think we have to appreciate the risk takers like RISE, for going in first. I’m not optimistic in the short term but hopefully there is demand for the product, just not at rates well exceeding the more premium downtown markets. Once a rental base is established, there’s room for more creativity with the design & engineering of these projects.

Older office buildings had a lot of flair to them, because the tenants were often successful, and were willing to pay for that “image.” The same just isn’t justifiable when you are trying to build market rate apartments in our market. (Beaches are the only exception).


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2024, 06:57:57 AM »
Well, she's had a little setback, burning since around 11PM last night.

 Smoke was still pouring out of it at 5:30 when I was headed to the airport this morning. Channel 4 Tower camera is showing active flames across what looks like the roof of the entire structure as of 7AM. 

Another empty lot on the way!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 07:03:49 AM by acme54321 »


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2024, 07:29:51 AM »
I believe it was supposed to open this week. Multiple floors collapsed. Not good.


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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2024, 07:52:14 AM »
JFRD Fire Capt. Eric Prosswimmer told News4JAX that no one was inside the building, as far as they know. He said much of the building looked to be destroyed and there are continuing concerns the structure could collapse.

Sounds like they'll have to start over.
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Re: Rise Doro construction photos
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2024, 07:57:40 AM »
So sad. Berkman 3.0