The LRTP is entering the home stretch.
First, the NFTPO has posted the "Final Survey" for the long-range plan: Take a few minutes to respond. There are a few "open comment" opportunities, so let those creative juices flow.
The consultant, staff, and Steering Committee are reviewing the "Draft Cost Feasible Plan" (aka CFP) - a list of around 125 highway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and complete streets projects; plus about a half-dozen "boxed" items that provide funds for programs such as trails or ITS, and others, where the projects will be determined later. The schedule calls for the CFP to be finalized and sent to the NFTPO Board at their meeting on October 10th, in advance of the November federal deadline to adopt the 2050 Plan.
As you might expect, the greatest number of projects propose adding lanes to existing Interstates and arterials. The only "new roadway" is the already committed First Coast Expressway. Curiously, the next largest number of projects are labeled "Complete Streets" or "Context Sensitive" - a rather vague description. Following that group are about a dozen U2C projects for the five proposed routes (Bay Street, Northwest, Riverside, San Marco, and Springfield) in two groups: purchase Autonomous Vehicles (20 for each route), or "Implementation" of the service.
The LRTP (2050 Path Forward) website, includes an interactive map for the Needs Plan projects. I think they hope to have the Cost Feasible info up by early September.