Looks like the concept if holding up despite the outsized panic over SARS-CoV-2.
This is a bit on the Punch Bowl founder pushing ahead with a new concept in that social hall food arena
https://www.restaurantdive.com/news/exit-interview-punch-bowl-social-founder-plans-to-launch-social-club-urb/583485/And it may even expand into co-working if the trade area demands it. We're looking nationally — we're looking at deals in Miami, Montreal, Vancouver, Los Angeles and Denver for where the first location will be. Concepts like Nobis and Punch Bowl usually take like two years to develop, so the first Nobis is probably in 2022.
...But next year, one of the products that will come out of the ground is something called Dinette Fine Foods. I jokingly refer to it as an urban Waffle House for millennials and Gen Z. It's this small-box, all-day format that is very much design-forward, but also with a 26% delivery and takeout component. The irony is I didn't develop that in response to COVID-19, but I do wish I developed it a few years ago. I wish I had it open on March 16. That's a 225-location growth product, in our estimation.