Even the "visionaries" on Metjax have no vision.
Not everyone WANTS A YARD!!! In many great areas in Los Angeles, including Pasadena, Santa Monica and the South Bay beach neighborhoods, there are bunches of these types of communities (though most rent b/c the owners are sitting on gold mines).
They are known as motorcourts and date to the early part of the 20th century when the automobile was first gaining in popularity. Not everyone had a car (or two), so a few parking spots at the end of the court was just fine. Even today, these motorcourts have a nice neighborly effect because the homes face each other and do not have a street up the middle as a barrier. And the yard IS gated -- motor courts that are sold usually have condo property rights, and I would bet the ENTIRE gated area is common area (the whole yard belongs to every owner).
And regarding the size/price, $189/sq ft is the best rate in all of the downtown neighborhoods. Maybe you could find a suburban neighborhood home on the west side or in St. Johns Cty for that price (many developers have a lot of spec inventory of their Florida-classic, stucco-yucco homes).
I'm amazed that even the people who profess to "get" urban, can't see outside the southeastern real estate development model of 2-car garages with yards, or true multi-unit condos. Motor court -- innovative then, innovative in the southeast now.