Nobody is saying that BRT can't work, or quasi-BRT-Lite can't work. What MJ has been saying is JTA continues to promote the Quasi-BRT as a system that is going to transform mass transit in Jacksonville, result in an economic payback with massive new TOD, and introduce true 'rapid transit' in Jacksonville, NONE OF WHICH IS TRUE.
BRT-LITE will not transform mass transportation in Jacksonville but it should be a marked improvement in local bus service.
BRT-LITE will not result in any significant TOD or economic payback.
BRT-LITE is not 'rapid transit' it is merely a better bus.
Saying JTA will be successful on par with the Silver Line in Boston, the Orange Line in LA, or the Health Line in Cleveland is a real stretch. Without the investment in international Silver or Gold Level BRT you are not going to get international Silver or Gold Level benefits. And if you invest as much as the international Silver or Gold Level BRT systems, over the life of the project you'd be far better off building a rapid streetcar system and paying it forward then to lock into a bus system that will eventually far exceed the cost of rail.
The moral is you build BRT, even BRT-LITE on routes such as the Blanding and Lem Turner line JTA has selected. You also choose routes such as down the centerline of the Arlington Expressway or Butler where 5 miles or more of exclusive Gold Level BRT could be built without much obstruction and thus for lower costs. These are routes where rail would be more difficult to implement. You build rapid-streetcar (that is a streetcar that stays on exclusive right-of-way, Skyway, track, or lanes) in area's where it would be the easiest to accomplish such as on the Skyway infrastructure, north through the Springfield Parks to UF Health, along the old F&J and 'S' Lines and parallel to the FEC and CSX in some locations.
My message to JTA has never changed. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.