Both of these options just look like your standard 4 to 5 lane each side of a median super corridor that doesn't really enhance any experience for pedestrians. They look identical to Southside Blvd and we all know how pedestrian friendly that corridor is. You have to cross 7 lanes of traffic on one side of the median in some parts. The renderings make it look prettier with the trees and street facing storefronts than what it will turn out to be in my opinion if they go this route. I think there should be a few more progressive ideas incorporated into this concept like the others have mentioned. Plan for 50 years down the road, not 5. It is a very wide corridor, it seems like you could provide separation for different modes to make it safer and more attractive. Also, I like the idea for at least planning for an option for light rail. Maybe dedicated bus lanes that could be converted some day if needed.