Thankfully, we still have all of the other surface lots around the CSX building for iconic towers.
I've always wondered if the city will ever come up with a plan for dealing with all the surface parking lots, or if they're just happy with them being there. Riverfront parking has always seemed like the weirdest thing to me.

What's worst is that there are many who believe the Shipyards is the most important project in DT Jax.....
The more I've thought about it, one way people could change that view and turn other projects (Landing, Barnett, Laura St Trio, etc) into the most important for DT Jax is to make them part of a single redevelopment plan. I'm not saying they all need to be done by the same developer, but someone should try coming up with a plan that can be sold to the powers-that-be as a single project where money could be thrown for a big impact. From eyeballing a map, the area between the Landing and Hemming Park looks smaller than the Shipyards so it shouldn't be seen as something too big to achieve. Put a group of interested parties together, come up with a plan that can generate some excitement, and start lobbying the city.
As long as these projects are coming to the city
individually looking for money, they look like smaller-scale, lower-impact projects. Of course, as you've pointed out before, the entire Shipyards site won't be developed all at once or in a short period of time. But the Shipyards wins the argument for many people because it's presented as a single project while the others out there are out on their own.