The International American Pogo Stick Parkway or the Cross Palms Slip and Slide Splash-Pike, Will both carry more riders then the maglev. Gee I can hardly wait! CSX is going to start pulling up track to replace it with a electro-magnetic roadways as soon as they find a source for Continuous welded neodymium.
Then again, there is the monorail, which EVERYONE in Jacksonville knows 'IS TOMORROWS' railroad (gagging, suppressing a cough and a big laugh).
SERIOUSLY? I am working on a feature story on the breaks down the destruction of Amtrak and north American intercity passenger rail. In it you will; see that the automobile, the American cowboy, independence, or red ties had less to do with the demise then good old American stupidity and extreme thrift.
Coming soon. "Amtrak = The Wrong Train"