Author Topic: Duval, Clay, Baker counties to end courthouse weddings to avoid marrying gays  (Read 58706 times)


  • The Jaxson
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in fear of being forced to marry gays, local courts have decided to end courthouse weddings altogether! St. Johns and Putnam say they will continue to offer courthouse weddings, even if gay marriage becomes legal.

Couples who wanted to skip the pomp and circumstance of a wedding and get married at the Duval, Clay or Baker county courthouses will no longer have that option in the new year.

These counties’ decision to end the long-standing tradition of courthouse wedding ceremonies is due, at least in part, to the continued debate over same-sex marriage in Florida against the backdrop of conservative Christianity. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle could rule any day and make gay marriage legal across the state.

If same-sex marriage is allowed, Duval Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell, Clay Clerk Tara Green and Baker Clerk Stacie Harvey will have no choice but to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. But to avoid performing ceremonies for them, these clerks have decided to end all courthouse weddings.

Full article:
"A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” - Muhammad Ali

Charles Hunter

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Flashback to the 1960s when the City was told to desegregate public pools and golf courses - they closed the pools and sold off the golf courses.


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Maybe we will get lucky and they will sell the courthouses.   


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If same-sex marriage is allowed, Duval Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell, Clay Clerk Tara Green and Baker Clerk Stacie Harvey will have no choice but to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. But to avoid performing ceremonies for them, these clerks have decided to end all courthouse weddings.



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first off, to be clear, I am very disappointed in the decision and I sincerely hope they reconsider.

That said (as noted above) the clerks will still issue marriage licenses...they just won't officiate any ceremonies.

I assume this is because gay marriage is against their religious beliefs....which brings up the whole separation of church and state thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 09:05:12 PM by tufsu1 »


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Not surprising, but disappointing. No wonder my gay son wants to move away from the area. Welcome and protected by his national-bank employer, but institutional discrimination is allowed. Even a family-oriented business like Publix gets it. Seriously?

Not for much longer, and these backward thinking institutions will once again be on the wrong side of history. I keep telling my son, you can be happy here. Jacksonville is changing. And then this.

Hey "Leaders" - try leading for a change. Hard to have much respect for people who have to be sued into doing the right thing.


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And there are those who wonder why Jax has a non-existent to highly negative reputation among Millennials. Why choose to deal with this place when there are so many others that don't need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century?


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Times are a-changing.  Throughout history, the Christian church has been on the back side of a few efforts to gain freedoms, and on trends to  societal changes.  That being said, I have to admit that, especially in this city and area, wherein most seem rather conservative for the most part, some are having difficulty accepting the inevitable.

Although I know, in a rational sense, that freedom is the best route, as long as nobody gets hurt, I find myself .... well .... dragging my inner self to fully accepting the “trends” wherein male and male ... and female and female ... become partners; that is, partners exactly like the male/female partners familiar to me as a child. 

However, I know that with time, I will feel fully comfortable with accepting the new societal trend.  Even though my support to those who engage in same sex partnerships is overt, and I engage in no “secret” condemnations to anyone about the trend, I find myself still adjusting.

The apparent opposition from some -- although expected and understandable -- is inevitable.  Those who appose, should know that in the end ... which will be sooner than later ... the overwhelming argument for honesty and freedom will win.  After all, what is the harm of any kind of companionship and love?  And why shouldn’t those same-sex partnerships enjoy the same freedoms and benefits as enjoyed by the traditional or classic relationships?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 05:57:29 AM by ronchamblin »


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  • Mike Hogan Destruction Eruption!
I just read this news on FTU...I instantly thought of Stephan Dare, I figured he would be here ranting and raging out. I think I understand what the courts are doing. It doesn't just effect the gay & les crowd, but this decision hurts everyone. The take your ball and go home attitude. I say if they don't want to do it, they should not be bullied or forced to. I'm sure there are plenty of gay or les preachers and pastors that will perform it. Hopefully the Courts stick to their guns and keep everyone from getting married. Many are bitter saying comments like "this is why Jacksonville is behind" I don't agree with that Jacksonville is behind in many things, but I don't think the the anti gay agenda has anything to do with it. If I was gay id just go where my environment allows me to live how I want. This a lot of money the courthouse is leaving on the table.
Mike Hogan Destruction Eruption!


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This state is and has almost forever been run by right wing conservative republicans...put the blame where blame belongs..on the right wing christian republicans for this move..welcome to florida..when will the idiocy end?


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I just read this news on FTU...I instantly thought of Stephan Dare, I figured he would be here ranting and raging out. I think I understand what the courts are doing. It doesn't just effect the gay & les crowd, but this decision hurts everyone. The take your ball and go home attitude. I say if they don't want to do it, they should not be bullied or forced to. I'm sure there are plenty of gay or les preachers and pastors that will perform it. Hopefully the Courts stick to their guns and keep everyone from getting married. Many are bitter saying comments like "this is why Jacksonville is behind" I don't agree with that Jacksonville is behind in many things, but I don't think the the anti gay agenda has anything to do with it. If I was gay id just go where my environment allows me to live how I want. This a lot of money the courthouse is leaving on the table.

Well that's sort of the neat thing about a democracy with an independent judiciary isn't it? People don't have to go live in some other environment, if something's unfair and arbitrary, then they can just change it and stay right where they are.

FWIW this is not going to play out well for the clerk, there is precedent on this issue. As one might imagine, Alabama Mississippi and the rest of the usual suspects did the same thing, shutting down schools, swimming pools and other public facilities when they had to let minorities in. They were forced by court order to provide the basic services, either by offering them reasonably, or by transporting the minority participants at the government's expense to an integrated facility to obtain those services. One thing you have to give our local officials credit for is having no grasp of how the games they decide to play actually work.

Personally I think the amount of taxpayer dollars wasted on this issue to date, both at the local level and by Bondi's office, is absurd. Especially when all these folks profess to be fiscal conservatives, it seems the money could be far better spent not jousting at windmills. It's obvious which way the tide is flowing, why fight it. As one example, legal aid and the public defenders' offices are habitually underfunded. But we're spending this kind of money on this instead?


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^ very well said Chris


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Conservatives?  Christians?  As it goes, it seems okay to have a conservative force within government and society, as it provides a measure of stability, a force for maintaining the status quo ... a benchmark against which the disgruntled can illustrate their positions ... against which the needs of minorities can be contrasted for all to see.

The problems might occur when, within the conservative population, there resides excessive pressures to hold strong the course of inaction to address increasingly stressful economic and societal issues ...  to ignore the plight and the sufferings of a majority of those who, by whatever circumstances evolved within society, have become stuck in positions of economic need ...  who’ve become dependent on the scraps of the system -- and who’ve found themselves without the freedom to choose their own lifestyle. 

As societal wealth shifts increasingly to the conservative few as a consequence of an economic and tax mechanism designed by lobbyists and legislatures paid by wealthy conservatives, an increasing percentage of the population endures economic stress.  Conservative inaction via obstruction of needed legislation allows more individuals, formerly entrenched in the middle class, to shift further toward borderline poverty.

But what about freedom ... about the recognition of the needs of individuals choosing to live out their lives without interference from legislation shaped by conservatives who traditionally find support in religious teachings?  We might finally realize that while one might be a Christian, one should not feel qualified to control the lives of others by way of government legislation ... especially if the freedoms desired by any segment does absolutely no harm to society.

There seems to be a persistent coalition ... a happy family ... within the Conservative/Christian camp.  The comforts offered by a favorable economic position, matched with an entrenched church / social association, provides the conservative with enough motivation to stubbornly stay the course.  Why should the conservative wish change; that is, consideration of the misfortunes of the needy, or accommodation to the freedoms desired by many?  Comfort, via a favorable economic position and a perceived rationalization of spiritual comfort, encourages the conservatives to engage only token moves to understand and resolve the evolved unfairness and inequalities in our society.  Such is the power of comfort, both economic and spiritual, to allow inaction from those who possess it in abundance.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 09:12:42 PM by ronchamblin »

Charles Hunter

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From a FaceBook event
... January 5, 2015 the federal order staying the ruling that Florida's same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional will expire. This will allow same-sex couples to go to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license beginning on the morning of January 6, 2015. The licenses issued will require a 3 day waiting period before the couple can get married. This means the first day the couple can be married is January 10, 2015. Notaries and clergy will be present in Hemming Park to marry couples who have validly issued licenses. We will have a DJ for dancing afterwards in a mass reception.

All same-sex couples who come to the park on this day with a validly issued license, issued on January 6, 2015, can participate in this event. We are organizing the event to perform mass and individual weddings on this day.

You are welcome to come to celebrate and support the newly weds! Newly Weds should bring $10.00 for the recording of their licenses at the clerk's office.

If, on the off chance it isn't legal that day, come anyway and we will have a peaceful demonstration against the prohibition...... Oh! and we will dance anyway!!!

The event is listed as being from 10am to 3:30pm on Saturday, January 10