Author Topic: BRT Traveling Salesmen Come To RAP Meeting  (Read 2340 times)

Metro Jacksonville

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BRT Traveling Salesmen Come To RAP Meeting
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:00:00 AM »
BRT Traveling Salesmen Come To RAP Meeting

JTA officials had the opportunity to explain their BRT plans to the RAP Board Meeting on Wednesday night and once again citizens in attendance came away even more convinced that the local BRT plan is a boondoggle in the making.  Let's take the opportunity to clear up a few misconceptions presented by consultants and JTA representatives, regarding its impact on Riverside-Avondale.

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Check out Phoenix
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 08:19:52 AM »
Phoenix is in the process of building a light-rail system. How do they compare to Jax urban pop-wise? I have contact info for the downtown org there that should have cost info. Pm me, and I'll give name/number to research further if desired..


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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 08:46:35 AM »
BRT traveling salesmen? HAHA
Remind you of the monorail episode of the simpsons!!!
How appropriate!

the dude

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look for who benefits
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 01:59:42 PM »
                         It's all a goddamn fake.  Like Lenin
                         said, look for the person who will
                         benefit.  And you will, uh, you know,
                         you'll, uh, you know what I'm trying
                         to say--

Richard Bowers

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We have been here before
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 04:10:44 PM »
Follow the money.


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Phoenix Mesa and LRT vs BRT
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 07:14:51 PM »
Follow the Money? Yes, and we should be JUST AS VOCAL about splitting JTA into a highway authority and a completely independent Transit Authority. Only two major Cities in the USA have a highway builder trying to operate mass transit, sadly we are one of them! To clean up JTA, we need to kick the highway boys out and DEMAND transit excellence.
The data on Phoenix-Mesa is as follows:
Phoenix--Mesa   population MSA.........  3,251,876    
Area MSA ...................................................14,598      
Density....................................................... 223        
Phoenix-Mesa is  working on a FIRST CLASS LRT system, not unlike Portland, St. Louis or Salt Lake Cities. While they will spend more for this type of construction, the FTA or Federal Transit Administration estimates it's life as 100 YEARS! The Light Rail Cars are estimated but not mandated to last 35 years, though many Cities operate streetcars today that were built in 1910-1930, and are much older.
How many asphalt highways or elevated concrete bridges will JTA go through with the BRT in 100 years? The answer is, the cost estimates don't even take into account the downside to rubber tire transit. The FTA mandates that ALL transit buses reaching 12 years of age or / 500,000 miles should be retired. The average JTA bus racks up 350 miles a day, which means it will hit the magic number in about 5 years! The low smog hybrid models while nice, also cost between $500,000 and $950,000 dollars each. The FTA is currently under pressure from the bus builders to lower the bar to 8 years/500,000 miles. Another factor is pavement, the Oklahoma Department Of Transportation says that a single heavy truck/bus passing over bridge work creates as much wear and tear as do 85,000 automobiles. On asphalt roadways, any that see heavy truck traffic must be scraped up, and relaid every 5 - 10 years. So if we wait 25 years to build out the BRT system, we will be on our 4Th set of buses, and our 2Nd or 3Rd complete re-pavement of the roadways. Hidden costs no one will talk about.
So if a Light Rail car costs $2 million a piece, Carry's more, doesn't pollute, runs faster, faster acceleration, doesn't need to mix with traffic, uses some current railroad... and lasts for 35-65 years or more, on a track that lasts 100 years.... Which is REALLY the bargain?  
No contest, it is LIGHT RAIL!