I'm in favor of leaving the Landing alone, at least for now. On its best days, it's crowded, vibrant, beautiful, and a tremendous asset to downtown Jacksonville. On slows day, at least it's still functional. We don't need to go knocking down one of downtown's major destinations just for the sake of knocking it down. In the short-term, any public funding would be much better off put toward the Laura Street Trio, a redesign/restoration of Hemming Park, an extension of the Skyway into Brooklyn, small business incentives on the northbank, etc. Anything to increase vibrancy and pedestrian-scale density and use in the surrounding area. The existing Landing would enjoy positive externalaties from any of these projects and could buy itself a ten-year reprieve while other surrounding areas are improved. I'd rather focus on the underlying issues first, rather than attempting to build another one-trick pony to save downtown. Didn't work the first time with the Landing, and it likely wouldn't work a second time either.