I have lived in J-Ville now for over twenty. Originally from Louisiana. I travel to L.A. Cali. every other year to the Bill Picket Invitational Rodeo. I have known of Norman Studio's Company now for over ten years, and proud of our city and its restoration project. I have met a couple of the family members of the Normans, and what a blast that was for me. Not only significant is the structure, but what actually took place there. All African American cast and crews? There are stories that Richard Normans son ( who played on the lot as his father filmed; if I'm remembering correctly now) could tell you of local men and women that actually work in some of the moving pictures as extras, and other character support. Oh; Jacksonville; we not only have the physical structure to utillize in a positive & productive manner for the great city that we are blessed to be a part of, but also the history of what that particular setting; propoerty; treasure had offered to the art; and film industry. There is much more to say on this, than I have time for right now.
I would like to see the project completed. I would support the plans of the city to use this facillity as an education, and enlightment center. I beleave it could also be the stage for attractions of the industry too. Jacksonville could also make this a cultural arts center for young and aspairing production people, with some of the current big name African American stars to come by and support, by invitation lectures for students and industry guest. I know persons in Hollywood that would lend an ear in support. I know a few actors personnally, they all ride horses, and all know of Bill Picket ( and are cerimonial guest of the Bill Picket Rodeos), and most only heard some one say that Bill Picket was in moving pictures; but don;t know the fact of the matter. They do not know of Norman Studio's, or that it's still here even more; the restoration effort of this famous history capturing facility. We have a national Historic treasure here, with a grand future if we seize the moment in time now, by assembling all the grandure of reconition this property holds. Lets start an effort to let Hollywood know of our treasure and lets extend invitations A.S.A.P. I 'm also a student now at FCCJ video production.
flbech@comcast.netGO JAGS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>