I am writing this post from out of town since I have a Nephew who lives in Jacksonville and has learning disability. He is on a several months waiting list to see a psychiatrist and he has recently quit high school. I am proposing a few ideas that I believe may help him and others to live independently. This post is to make people to think.
I believe our "war on drugs" can be better met if states were to greatly increase mental health care. They say they are finding the percent of people with depression runs much higher than they ever thought. People are simply "medicating" themselves of their depressions by way of illegal drugs as a result. Then a person cannot get a job since they have to give blood tests for drugs. They will then fail this test, thus they cannot get a job. Then they will end up into trouble. This will then also show up in their background. Then this will also prevent them from getting a job. And on and on it goes until you create a huge sub-culture of gangs and drugs, as a result.
Second, they ought to do research on whether high school dropouts and those who are homeless may be strong at learning by hands-on means. They ought to bring in games that teach things like math and English to where you may move the actual equations or sentence parts, so they will learn them better. In other words, I believe many of us are bad at English, due to you have to be a good listener and note taker in class; yet may be excellent at Scrabble. Thus new jobs training programs should reflect this.
In addition, many times to be successful at school or on the job, you must be a good listener to take classroom notes or to follow instructions on the job. Because of students not being good listeners, they will then get lost in school and not follow directions. Thus hands on learners will end up quitting school or go from job to job as a result. Then they end up into trouble. Due to this, at least schools and companies should be mindful of giving directions in written form. Then their students and employees may perform their tasks more successfully as a result.
They ought to set up new RVs with HD sets on its side. Then drive them to homeless centers or where the unemployed congregate, of new job training opportunities by way of visual means. These sets should also broadcast social services, like mental health care, as well. Then more people will obtain this information better as a result.
Third, there may be a physical reason why some people may appear to be lazy, thus many will not keep jobs. As our youth's obesity rate has skyrocketed, so to has type-2 diabetes and sleep apnea. A symptom of these diseases includes lack of energy. Thyroid problems are also an epidemic. This disease will cause lack of energy as well. So this laziness may not be a character issue but that of a medical issue. Please have your leading universities research if there are medical reasons why people are "lazy."
In conclusion, in business there are cost/benefit analysis proposals to see if the benefits out way the costs of any event. So they ought to weigh whether these 3 proposals above will actually create more benefits than costs. Thus my Nephew and others may benefit from these concepts, as a result.