Where are the homicide, homeless and crime rate statistics? Or a poll of how many people in the MSA who actually WANT to come downtown.How about the average length of time people actual stay downtown, who haven't been mugged, detained or accosted?
How about the average length of time people actual stay downtown, who haven't been mugged, detained or accosted?
Where are the homicide, homeless and crime rate statistics? Or a poll of how many people in the MSA who actually WANT to come downtown.How about the average length of time people actual stay downtown, who haven't been mugged, detained or accosted?Or how many actually come downtown for the food trucks and murals?
Edit: Wait, crap, I just checked Max posting history. So, it's not like he'll care about the report.
Florida Theater's numbers noisedived right at the start of the crash, plus the St. Augustine Ampitheater opened in 2007. Attendence went from 380,000 to 187,000 between 2006 to 2007. Metro Park's numbers are a joke. Good thing those people in St. Nicholas can sleep well 362 nights a year.