Thanks Adam, the big point is LA foolishly scrapped a massive transit system only to discover what most every Angeleno's already instinctively knew, big mistake, big, HUGE. They are slowly recovering from it with a new network of light rail , streetcar, subway, commuter rail, regional rail, BRT, city bus, lexus lanes etc... at a cost that could equal the national budget. Once they allowed those right-of-ways to be filled in and built over, the cost of accessing those properties went through the roof. Likewise, Jacksonville junked it's fairly comprehensive rail system in 1936 and virtually all of the private-right-of-way has been paved over as well. Being much smaller gives us a window to build but it is closing in on us fast. We've had 11 new business announcements since Jan. 1, and yet our leadership in city hall seems obvious to the escalation about to hit us. We need the big play now.