The implication of this idea has had a significant effect on the world in general, but by knowing this fact it is also easy to see why Jacksonville is the way it is. A strong and early leaning toward suburban growth means that community leaders had a chance to think on this issue first. Unfortunately, being first means you don't get to use the valuable asset of hindsight.
JTA should be user-friendly, it's not. The LGBT community should have rights, they don't. Religious leaders shouldn't be running this city, they do. Suburbs have broken down the traditional idea of a city and turned it into a FOX News oasis. Cities are supposed to be places where people come to exchange ideas. Instead they have turned into prisons, housing consumers in isolation, feeding the corporatocracy. We were bamboozled. We were sold snake oil and we still love it. I could deal with its existence if only I didn't believe that within it lies the seeds of our own destruction.