Correction: MLK Historic Site is more so in Sweet Auburn/Edgewood District, which you included here in this thread, but nobody considers that remotely O4W. In fact, arguably the old Sears building is in Poncey-Highlands, not O4W (but we're getting really extreme up here with defining neighborhoods...who's counting?)
Beltline is now pretty much open through there and CROWDED (had a sort of soft opening this past weekend with a big Streets Alive event where all the local streets were closed to vehicular traffic and live bands played along the Beltline). Also in addition to JT's project at Ponce City Market (2.1 million SF, mix of multifamily, retail, office, public space...was there for a party last night), the following are now UC as of the past week:
Bohemian House O4W (BOHO), 276 units, North American Properties

Somerset, 228 units, Perennial Properties

AMLI O4W II, 300 units (pic is of current structure, which will likely be mimiced), AMLI

Below are some summer photos I took of the area, people walking on Beltline before even open or finished (myself included):
Skate Park

Random infill:

Crossing over Ponce (now finished):

Same (will have bike ramp down to Ponce on this side when finished...and wide bike lanes on Ponce):

$180MM being poured into Ponce City Market (2.1 million SF former Sears warehouse and City Hall East):

One of the city's most popular restaurants Two Urban Licks is in building on right (can't see it here), it opens up to Beltline and features bocce ball and a view for its patrons:

Inside PCM from a recent tour I did:

My firm will be moving here in 2014 along with other major tech/research firms:

All of the following view is now UC with 3 projects:

Some really old photos of O4W Park. You didn't touch on this, but the whole purpose of the park was to prevent flooding. It was built in conjuction with the closing of the old Sears building, which was completely flooded on 1st two levels. The park acts as a gian reservoir when it rains, and it just so happens to connect to the Beltline and enhance the neighborhood. It's also a self sustaining park (solar powered, rain collection, recycled materials, etc etc...all Beltline Parks are this way).

Park lights:

From Roof of Ponce City Market on the Eastside by
city_simmons, on Flickr
Masquerade old 19th century mill: