Yeah, I agree with CityLife. I don't know the ins and outs of why an office park in the middle of a traffic insanity was chosen in the first place, but that is a dumb place to put a school. I've heard that putting a school downtown is a bigger ball-ache than it should be, though. But certainly, none of that matters to the students who did this photo essay, since it's merely highlighting that they're playing live-action Frogger every day. And I'm guessing this area was picked for a photo essay because it was easily accessible for a student assignment, that also benefit the MJ "agenda" (for lack of a better word).
AI doesn't have that many students right now, but long term, they really should relocate. The Bentley Green apt complex behind that bus stop is what they're using as dorms, but I've never seen a B7 bus come through there; the only one I ever see is headed for...SOUTEL.