Its missing one thing: nothing happens in Hemming unless and until the City moves the homeless population out of downtown. Its the 800 lb gorilla that nobody wants to directly address.
The article mentions Union Square. Homeless spend time there too, however so does everyone else b/c the area is attractive to more than just homeless people.
It's the same reason that people congregate to Hemming during Art Walk and Jazz Fest. Homeless people are in Hemming during those times too, but does anyone notice?
THAT's the 800lb guerilla in the room.
The fact that the Ad Hoc Committee on Hemming uses Bryant Park as an example, while failing to acknowledge the complete reconstruction of the park(it was elevated above the street), the
constant programming of Bryant, the cafes in the park, the ice skating rink, the free wifi offered in the park, the presence of pop-up shops during the holidays, and on and on(I could write 8 paragraphs on the amenities the park offers)... underscores that same big guerilla.
Removable tables at Bryant shouldn't be viewed in a vacuum, b/c that really was one of the minor moves undertaken to revitilize that area. By that logic, the Main Street Pocket Park in Jacksonville which has no trees, shade or benches should be teaming with activity... yet, it is only populated by the homeless.
See a pattern?