Crime Rate Indexes
2010 Crime Rate Indexes Fruit Cove, Jacksonville, Miami Flemming Isle, SR-210 River CIty Mkt Pl United States
Total Crime Risk Index.......66....................333..........345.......17.....................86........205.......................100
Murder Risk Index.............95....................113..........443........32.....................94........201.......................100
Rape Risk Index .............11.....................218..........149........16.....................16.........323......................100
Robbery Risk Index.............3.....................302..........701.........4........................4........375......................100
Assault Risk Index...........207....................628..........374........28....................226........178......................100
Burglary Risk Index.........139....................425...........241.........7....................154........135......................100
Larceny Risk Index............12....................329..........240........27......................13........114......................100
Motor Vehicle Theft Index..42....................260..........371..........4......................42.........172.....................100
100 being the US "average community", the above shows how much above or below the USA 'normal' a community is. For many people, this is all of the reason for living in St. Johns, Clay, Nassau, Baker,
Frankly if all 'urban sprawl' followed the examples of 210, or Julington Plantation or WGV, IE: walks, planned retail clusters, bike trails, tree and water preservation, creeks, ponds, etc... We might not see it as such an evil. This isn't just the land of the HOA, it's the kingdom of the CDD fees. While many if not most are autocentric in scope, today more are being planned as walkable places. Palencia, for example, has an entire village easily walkable and beautiful.
As I've said before, it's all about being a choice. We'd be a insignificant metropolitan area if it were not for additions and subdivisions. The weird part of human nature is we all think it should stop right after our own house is approved. Keeping in mind that LaVilla was a suburb, as was San Marco, San Jose, Ortega, etc... Fruit Cove, Yukon, Mandarin, Switzerland, Middleburg, Marietta, New Berlin and many others were all organic villages in their own right which were overrun by the big dog.
The downside, of course is more and more of Florida is being buried under asphalt.