As a regular visitor of Jacksonville, since I have many relatives living there, I would like to add my 2 cents. You have nice weather, that many of us living up North, like to visit during the Winter months. You also have nice looking water ways, like the St. Johns River. You should take advantage of these assets, starting with your airport, the gateway to your town. The one thing that attracts people to events (farmers,art), is that of live music. It would be nice, if you create a new push (if not already) for your high school and college age students, to learn musical instruments. (They say students, who learn music, score higher on tests than those who do not, anyway.) What thrill students (and their parents) would have, if they were picked to play at your airport or other events. You could organize a music commission, to help promote live music at other places, like restaurants, as well. If your events (farmers,art) are a few blocks long, organize a few musicians to play music, on every block. Live music could be played at lunch time and soon after work, downtown. These would help attract workers to these events (and restaurants) before leaving downtown.
There was a Mandarin farmers market that I visited. I noticed there were only a few stands set up. They had only a few customers buying stuff. I imagined, if they had live music, they would attract many more customers.
Can new ways to use today's internet technologies, help with your events? We have wireless internet cards, that can play videos, anywhere wifi coverage is made available. Can a few stands be set up, to help educate the public on wellness education, at these events (farmers,art)? Perhaps, the American Diabetes Association, could show videos on recipes' to make healthy meals. These recipes' would be made from the fruits and vegetables being sold at that farmers market. Pamphlets would be made available at these tables. At your airport, you could set up these wireless TVs, showing the many events within your city. These sets could be placed at the baggage pick up; where people are waiting. Finally, can weather proof sidewalk TVs, be set up on your downtown streets, as well? These TVs would not only be used to promote new events at your downtown location; they could help connect the homeless (living downtown) to services.
You have a beautiful town, with nice weather, that many of us up North Envy. These (ideas) may help with your downtown, airport, restaurants and other events to become even better. Thank for posting this blog and to consider its suggestions.