I'm surprised with the lack of response concerning this great article; What do we have a bunch of zombies on MJ? I too graduated from Raines, Go Vikes!!! IMO most kids are gonna turn out however regardless of great parenting. I was at my VA appointment in Gainesville the other day, and my nurses were talking about the same thing, how alot of kids they know were raised up well, but turned out bad; I shook my head in agreement. Look at the crime non-fiction shows on the cable channel 'Investigative Discovery' like Deadly Women etc, It's usually a person who grew up in a nice suburban home with a family that's well off, and raised religiously; Guess what, the kid still turned out to be killers, rapers etc. Conversely, I think that they're alot of kids who came from poor and violent upbringings, but they still turned out to be productive members of society. Thanks for the great article.