Author Topic: Where's Ours?  (Read 8395 times)

Metro Jacksonville

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Where's Ours?
« on: October 10, 2007, 04:00:00 AM »
Where's Ours?

No matter the size, both big and small, cities across America are finding ways to bring signage to the streets of downtown.  What's up with us?

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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 08:03:08 AM »
I think every city in America gets this concept except Jacksonville.  It seems to me this is something DVI and JEDC could easily get done.  You remember those large purple directional signs that were/are around Downtown (car oriented only) and the illuminated signs on the traffic light poles, just look at what has happend to those.  Most of them are missing, turned around backwards, instead of replacing the bulbs in the illuminated ones, the City just takes them down....again perfect example of no one maintaining what we have.  I do not understand why DVI cant jump on this and make something happen.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 09:41:59 AM by fsujax »


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 09:01:16 AM »
The last time I heard, it had something to do with a debate on the design style.  However, that was about 18 months ago.
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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 10:13:58 AM »
i distinctly remember jacksonville having these signs when I used to go through downtown in middle school.  they were purple and other bright colors, i think it was during that river city rennaissance era.  they were oriented more towards car traffic than anything else, and directed to points like mosh, the florida theater and the stadium.  did they take them down or something?


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 10:36:39 AM »
I guess that this "sign shortage" is Jax's way of saying "If you're not a savvy Jax native, then you ain't ______" LOL! On the real though,  I really don't think that this is a big deal as I see those purple signs just about everywhere DT. Who knows, some other city might be using Jax as an example to how they should be concerning directional signs. IMO most cities are basically the same; Similiar malls, ballparks, buses, restaurants, and yes direction signs. Even the days of "NY, LA, and CHI being so faster than the rest of the country are highly overblown; In this internet age of today, I can be in Helena, MT and get something fastly done just as quick as someone in Boston. I sorry to go a little offbase. 
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 10:47:43 AM by I-10east »


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2007, 11:01:21 AM »
i distinctly remember jacksonville having these signs when I used to go through downtown in middle school.  they were purple and other bright colors, i think it was during that river city rennaissance era.  they were oriented more towards car traffic than anything else, and directed to points like mosh, the florida theater and the stadium.  did they take them down or something?

Some of the signs are still in place, but most of them have either been ran over, turned sideways by trucks side swiping them on turns.  This is the problem, no maintenance of the them. The same goes for the purple signs that hung from the traffic light poles, some of them still exsist, others are now gone, faded or burned out. The City can't even take care of what we currently have in place. I gurantee you it's a fight betwen City departments as to who is responsible for keeping up with the signage.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 11:33:24 AM »
I guess that this "sign shortage" is Jax's way of saying "If you're not a savvy Jax native, then you ain't ______" LOL! On the real though,  I really don't think that this is a big deal as I see those purple signs just about everywhere DT.

Half of the purple signs that you can still read are out of date.  They are also vehicular oriented.  We have no presence of any directories at foot level. 

Who knows, some other city might be using Jax as an example to how they should be concerning directional signs.

True, however, in this case it might be as an example of what not to do.

IMO most cities are basically the same; Similiar malls, ballparks, buses, restaurants, and yes direction signs. Even the days of "NY, LA, and CHI being so faster than the rest of the country are highly overblown;

Most cities do offer many of the same things.  The major difference is how they package their amenities together and present them.  A South Beach or an Ybor gives off a completely different feel and level of excitment than Bay Street, even though all have places to drink and eat.  Here you can either be a big success or a huge failure. 

For example, Chris Rix and Vince Young were two gifted college quarterbacks.  Both could throw and move well with their legs.  However Young won games because he was able to put his talents together and make good decisions while Rix lost games for FSU because of his erratic decisions.  Today, one is a starting quarterback and makes millions in the NFL (Young), while the other (Rix) is a second tier radio analyst for College Football. 

In terms of livable cities from an pedestrian friendly and urban standpoint, Portland's decisions 20 years ago have it resembling Vince Young today, while Jax's decisions from that era mimic Chris Rix.....wasted talent and potential.  Like a struggling alcoholic, we first have to admit that we made some bad decisions and then be willing to work on those mistakes to turn things around.  It can be done, but we have to be willing to make that first step.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 11:35:51 AM by thelakelander »
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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2007, 12:36:40 PM »
when i first moved here, i tried following the purple signs to one of the bridges on the east end of downtown.  i think it told me to turn down one street, then didn't tell me that i needed to turn down another street.  2-way streets would probably help for that.  i think we need to have more pedestrian-friendly items downtown and other places.  i think it's a luxury to be able to walk somewhere in this sprawling nation and we need to promote it, especially with record-setting oil prices.  when i'm downtown, i still don't have a feel for what options i have for things to walk to.  maybe there aren't very many things to walk to, but it would be nice to know that.

i would suggest an interactive, touch-screen directory that sells screen-saver advertisements.  however, that would probably get neglected with maintenance as well.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 12:57:47 PM »
I tried following the public parking signs once and they led me to the Sports District.  The problem was I wanted to get to Hemming Plaza and the Library.
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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2007, 01:59:16 PM »
I have just read the article in The Daily Record about the meeting that recently took place at Burrito Gallery, between the local business owners and JSO and JTA concerning the parking dilemma during football games and the traffic that ensues.  Why are we not having more meetings scheduled like this with our public enforcement officers and governing bodies?  MetroJacksonville is a great outlet for all of us to get our ideas and potential solutions out to the public as a whole, but it seems that we mostly end up bitching to each other rather than those that need to hear our voices.  Is this something that is even possible?  Could it start by involving local business owners and concerned citizens in a regular public forum and slowly get the attention of city officials?  I say all of this because the entire city is against such things like the BRT plan and the systematic destruction of our city's most prized architectural treasures, yet our city officials seem to see fit to move ahead anyway.  And these are the very people that we have elected into office.  So, being the ever vigilant optimist that I am, I have to assume that our voices simply are not being heard.  Or, if they are, then we need to grab a mega-phone and hang outside the mayor's house at 4 o'clock in the morning screaming at him every night until it finally registers.

Again, I wonder if something like this is possible.  Has it been done before?  Attempted?  Met with minimal or no success?  Food for thought at the least.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2007, 02:08:59 PM »
Yes, many of us have been involved in several of these meetings for a while now.  The Landing parking deal, the revised parking ordinance, the First Timothy deal going sour, the Big Idea being cooled are all results of many members and silent viewers here being apart of discussions off line.

For example, several have been involved with the Downtown BRT fiasco.  When we started, leaders were riding on souped up buses bought in by JTA and bragging about how great this thing was going to be.  Now after months of debates, meetings and showcasing real life examples in other cities, many including DVI and the JEDC have publicly come out against the plan, as currently laid out.  The website makes it easier to keep issues in the forefront and get input from those who can't attend these types of meetings on various issues, but are impacted just as much as anyone else.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 03:06:51 PM by thelakelander »
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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2007, 03:02:19 PM »
I see your point and I agree.  I guess from my point of view, and being somewhat involved and intuned with things going on, I always seem to find out about things like this way after the fact.  My frustration comes when I am forced to be reactionary to things that have already happened rather than being in at the beginning of something.  Perhaps it's a lack of publication of these kinds of things or my own lack of involvement.  Who knows.  Either way I still think as citizens of Jacksonville we should be able to effect a larger degree of change than currently seems to be happening.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2007, 03:57:37 PM »
Being involved can be as simple as sending an email, making a phone call, passing the word, or checking public emails.

A good example of this is the meeting you are talking about with DVI and downtown merchants. I sent  Tony A an email letting him know Springfield wanted a voice, and before I knew it, Tony had me in touch with DVI and the city council person involved. I didnt make the meeting, but my voice was heard.

If you hear of something going on you think stinks, let one of the local blogs know, or the folio, or even just post it here, and one of us will do that. Its a digital age, make the most of it.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2007, 04:58:43 PM »
Archiphreak, by posting your opinions here you're making your voice heard by hundreds of members and thousands of guests or other readers.


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Re: Where's Ours?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2007, 01:26:50 AM »
I believe that Jacksonville does need to get with the program. Why can't we just tell the people of the JEDC and others ( and the Mayor ) to do something instead of watching other cities beat us with their great ideas.

"...Ye have not, because ye ask not..." James 4:2 KJV