4 Years of Brown: Taking DT Jax to the next level!
June 30, 2015 45 comments Print ArticleOn July 1, 2011, Mayor Alvin Brown became the first African American Mayor in Jacksonville's history. At the time, Mayor Brown promised that he would take Jacksonville to the Next Level. Revitalizing downtown Jacksonville was a major part of his plan to do just that. In honor of his last day as Mayor of the City of Jacksonville, here's a look at a few major downtown projects completed or under construction during Mayor Alvin Brown's four years in office.
2011 (Last 6 Months)
These were projects nearing completion when Mayor Alvin Brown replaced Mayor John Peyton on July 1, 2011.
Duval County Courthouse
Laura Street Streetscape
The J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver Tower was the only downtown highrise completed during Mayor Alvin Brown's term.
J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver Tower
McDonald's Restaurant - State Street
It could be argued that this McDonald's Restaurant was the most significant downtown project completed in 2013. It may not seem like much, but it indicated that the overlooked State and Union Street corridor is suitable for market rate commercial development.
The completion of Everbank Field's world's largest scoreboards were probably the downtown project that recieved the most fanfare and media coverage during Mayor Alvin Brown's four years in office.
Everbank Field Renovations
Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce
Sweet Pete's
Sweet Pete's in the old Seminole Club building, photo by Fran Ruchalski
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